Me, the spirit

Tulip Chowdhury
Soul & Sea
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2020


A reflection

Visible or invisible: there is life beyond the vision.

Humans are spirits

brought to flesh and blood,

spirits that were there

before coming to the Earth

as lights of the universe

when hearts stop beating

in the human.

Life gives trials in countless ways. Life as a single presence is also the breath I take during my time. It is my friend, then it shaped me into what I am today. It could not be otherwise, for we are spirits in the wheel of time. And it gives blessings through the trials whether we acknowledge it or not.

If life is a friend, like an artist, it has chiseled and carved, painted, and repainted until I realize that I am a part of all imperfections surrounding me. No sunsets come without some tears; neither does it rise with immense possibilities of happy endings. I feel like a bi-product of my physical being, a blend of the unseen, joining the universe in my ubiquitous state. I live in the midst of the visible and the invisible.

There is the vast emptiness around me that is not an actual void but filled with eternal energy. At this point, I feel like a top spinning on time’s path. The chord that had held me before I started to spin is the same one that is here since I landed on the Earth. And more, I shall remain



Tulip Chowdhury
Soul & Sea

There are moments of magic and challenges in living this earthly life. May my wings soar through the blessed energy of the universe.