Monthly Geomancy for October 2019

Jan Erickson
Soul & Sea
Published in
5 min readOct 2, 2019

Now that the Monthly Tarot reading is published, let’s look at the geomancy influences for October. Briefly, geomancy is an older divination method that involves casting four element-specific runes with a single dot on one side and two dots on the reverse side to create a geomancy glyph or symbol. It can be done in other ways, but this is the method I use.

There are sixteen glyphs in all, eight symbols along with their complement. The runes are thrown four times, each time arranging them in the order of Fire, Air, Water, and Earth and placed in the first four boxes (read from right to left) of the geomancy shield chart.

From there, the remainder of the top row is created from each elemental row of the initial four glyphs. Combining glyphs is accomplished by adding each line from the two glyphs together and if an even number is reached, I enter two dots on that particular level to create the new glyph. If an odd number results, I enter one dot. That’s it. It’s that simple. A more detailed example can be found in my latest book, Witch Notes.

The chart is divided into four sections to cover each week of the month with the lower three glyphs describing further influences and the outcome. The chart breakdown follows the shield chart below:

Shield Chart Breakdown (read from right to left)

  1. Albus — wisdom, sage; Air, Mercury in Gemini (Tiriel is the intelligence)
  2. Populus — people, group behavior, follower, passive; Water, Moon in Cancer
  3. Carcer — imprisonment, evil; Earth, Saturn in Capricorn
  4. Fortuna Major — greater fortune; Fire, Sun in Leo
  5. Albus — wisdom, sage; Air, Mercury in Gemini
  6. Populus — people, group behavior, follower, passive; Water, Moon in Cancer
  7. Carcer — imprisonment, evil; Earth, Saturn in Capricorn
  8. Fortuna Major — greater fortune; Fire, Sun in Leo
  9. Albus — wisdom, sage; Air, Mercury in Gemini
  10. Amissio — loss; Earth, Venus in Taurus
  11. Albus — wisdom, sage; Air, Mercury in Gemini
  12. Amissio — loss; Earth, Venus in Taurus
  13. Laetitia — (Right Witness) joy, gladness; Air, Jupiter in Taurus
  14. Laetitia — (Left Witness) joy, gladness; Air, Jupiter in Taurus
  15. Populus — (Judge) people, group behavior, follower, passive; Water, Moon in Cancer


  • Air (6)
  • Earth (4)
  • Water (3)
  • Fire (2)
  • Albus (4)
  • Populus (3)
  • Carcer (2)
  • Fortuna Major (2)
  • Amissio (2)
  • Laetitia (2)

Note: it’s interesting that multiples exist with all glyphs. And weeks one and three are identical as are weeks two and four. My friends…we have an energetic wave in October. How witchy!

Week One

Albus and Populus comprise week one’s influences with Albus appearing twice (glyphs 1, 2, and 9). This may be suggesting wisdom found in allowing versus controlling every situation. It also suggests remaining focused on the present moment instead of allowing a focus on the past or future to control your thoughts.

Week Two

Carcer, Fortuna Major and Amissio (glyphs 3, 4, and 10) comprise the geomancy influences for the second week of October suggesting the allowing from last week transitions this week to feelings of restriction and loss. Carcer involves imprisonment or restriction either of self or others and it may be that we get in the way of our own efforts this week. Amissio’s loss may be connected to Fortuna Major and restriction from Carcer as well may reduce our effectiveness this week. If this applies to income, we may receive less than expected.

Week Three

In week three, we see Albus and Populus make another appearance in exactly the same manner as they did in week one with Albus again appearing twice (glyphs 5, 6 and 11). After last week’s restrictive effect on our effectiveness or our income level, Albus and Populus reinforce the wisdom found in allowing versus controlling every situation. Remain focused on the present moment instead of allowing a focus on the past or future to disturb your emotional balance.

Week Four

We have another synchronicity with week two’s geomancy glyphs creating the same energetic effect for week four in the same way week one’s glyphs did in week three. Carcer, Fortuna Major and Amissio (glyphs 7, 8 and 12) suggest more restriction and loss may occur this week. If last week’s exercise in allowing didn’t produce the desired outcome, we may be inclined to insert ourselves and again get in the way of our own efforts this week.

Left and Right Witnesses and the Judge

The final three geomancy glyphs comprise the Left and Right Witnesses and the Judge or outcome of the chart. The Witnesses can represent anything we like such as past and future influences or projective and receptive influences, or anything else that might apply. For today’s reading, however, and especially since the same geomancy glyph occupies both positions, I’m going to consider the Witnesses as the underlying foundation for the outcome.

Laetitia, the geomancy glyph for joy and gladness is governed by Jupiter in Taurus suggesting cautious optimism or the willingness to reserve judgment until more is known, while not losing sight of the goal. Populus as the Judge or outcome again describes going with the flow, allowing, and alignment with others.

It seems as if we’re unable to find our balance this month swinging from allowing to resistance/control and never finding a happy medium. Visually, it’s like looking at a biorhythm chart with one week up, the next week down. Rinse and repeat. If I had created a reconciler glyph, however, from glyphs 15 and 1, I would still arrive at wise Albus who asks us to stand apart, like the Hermit and align in Source Presence.

With Populus as the outcome, it aligns well with Albus, suggesting the wisdom found in harmony and unity with others. During the month of Libra and the scales, we may be discovering our own resting point between allowing and resistance or control. So let go of judgment and the frustration that follows and use the back and forth energetic flow to find a middle way.

Until next time…

Blessings to all!

Originally published at on October 2, 2019.



Jan Erickson
Soul & Sea

Blogger at Empath✵Witch✵Reiki Master✵Kenpo✵Herbalist — Author of Shifting Perception and more…