Monthly Tarot for February 2020

Jan Erickson
Soul & Sea
Published in
5 min readJan 31, 2020

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I normally look at the Monthly Tarot readings from a weekly basis, but for this month, at least, I’m going to take a more general focus for the month. One week seems to blend into the next anyway, so rather than breaking it up, I’m going to look at the month as an entire energetic experience.

I’m using the Morgan-Greer Tarot deck and I’ll separate the six-card spread into three sections beginning with the Emperor as the overall energetic significator for the month, moving upward from there. Essentially, I’m beginning with the specific energy of authority and looking at the remaining influences from that standpoint. So, let’s begin.

The Emperor begins the reading as the significator or overall influence for the month suggesting a month where issues surrounding authority are experienced, unsurprising given the impeachment trial in the Senate. Whether the trial will continue into February is unknown as of this writing, however, the issues surrounding impeachment surely will.

Holding a sword in his left hand and a golden scepter in his right, the Emperor sits with his right leg crossed over his left. Fiery orange shades define his catalytic presence, his strength evident by the eagle standing guard at his side. Surrounded by mountains in the background, the Emperor expresses his authority by never looking us in the eye, believing himself above compassion and respect. He may represent the Father aspect, but how focused is he really on the lives of those under his control?

A four energy, the Emperor traditionally expresses pragmatism and structure, stability and order, however, a service-to-self focus is also present and suggests that over the next month, issues of authority will resonate in or have an impact on our lives in some manner.

Moving next to the 8 of Swords and the Ace of Pentacles, we first see a woman bound and blindfolded surrounded by eight downward pointing swords as a castle looms large in the background. On the line of receptive/projective influence, it appears that we’ve either turned our back to the current authority, or our voice is prevented from being heard. We’ve chosen to no longer listen to nonsense, or we’re being kept in the dark. Or, it could be both. By the very fact that she turns her back to the castle, the 8 of Swords suggests the expression of inner sovereignty along with speaking truth to power.

The Ace of Pentacles and its one energy suggests new possibilities on the home front, but in this case, it’s likely surrounding the issues of authority we’re continuing to experience this month. Red roses and white lilies adorn the entrance to a pathway into new experiences pregnant with fertile possibilities. A hand reaches out from billowy white clouds offering a new foundation or suggesting a new level of security is possible.

Building on the idea that a power shift may be happening this month, at least from an individual perspective, how is that going to manifest? The answer is likely found in the cards from the upper row. Beginning with The Chariot, we see the energy for balancing taking control with allowing. In this card, the Emperor or King assumes a decidedly different focus from the initial Emperor (significator) card.

Comparing both scepters, the Emperor holds his scepter firmly in his right hand while the younger King from The Chariot seems to have his scepter stuck in his belt, leaving his hands free to take the reins. This is a different presentation than from the Rider-Waite deck given their presentation of the King in a more receptive mode.

The scepters themselves reflect the Sun and the Moon, Elemental Fire and Water, and it appears that we’ve transmuted an authoritarian expression of The Emperor into a more receptive and balanced expression in The Chariot. That they appear on the same vertical axis in the reading suggests that Higher Self informed the transition.

As we express the balance established in The Chariot, its seven energy reinforcing this truth, a new expression of emotion is experienced in the 4 of Cups as a hand reaches out from the clouds in an offering of new emotional resonance. It introduces something new to the existing mind/body/Spirit balance that promises a new direction or experience.

Finally, a couple looks at each other as they stand in an archway, two flags crossed between the reader and the couple, revealing yet protecting their private moment. The 10 of Pentacles suggests new beginnings and balanced progress as a new level of understanding and reciprocity is achieved this month.

A seven energy for the month is telling. Seven is represented by the scales and as every empath knows, moving to the center or four position places us in the observer mode. We neither influence or are influenced by the experience itself. And that may be the safest counsel for this next month. Take an observer role. Stay away from conflict and remain neutral as you observe what unfolds.

If this reading surrounds what’s going on with impeachment than realize that the light is far stronger than the darkness and the more that dark forces seek to remain in power, the greater the light that will shine. Information will continue to come out and inform the public which is out of our hands now, hence the admonition to observe.

We know the way forward and it’s together. As we move away from a more draconian expression of authority to one that is respectful and balanced, we can embark on a new path together.

The family has been separated long enough.

Until next time…

Blessings to all!

Originally published at on January 31, 2020.



Jan Erickson
Soul & Sea

Blogger at Empath✵Witch✵Reiki Master✵Kenpo✵Herbalist — Author of Shifting Perception and more…