
Kantshens ( Conscience )
Soul & Sea
Published in
1 min readMay 9, 2021


It’s an outstanding figure of notes.

Music relaxes our minds while adapting to the human body.

Its amazing strength flows through our bodies while we

drift away into new dimensions.

From gentle sweet tones to hard heavy beats,

music is the key to our emotions.

No matter what happens, music saves your mind as your friends

try vigorously to empty your sorrows.

Music saves many souls every day.

From being on your last stand, to finding the lucky person with the

golden key to your heart, music helps to release theses emotions.

I wonder what emotions would pass me by.




Whatever it is,

It’s not changing the passion I have for music. These smooth sensitive notes

are heartwarming to my ears.

I feel that the world has blessed me with the ability to answer someone’s

soul with my version of music.


Music is the definition for emotions unclear to mankind.



Kantshens ( Conscience )
Soul & Sea

Poetry that speaks to your soul. IG: Kantshens_ Swell: Kantshens