scope out stillness in motion

everything changes, all the damn time

Golda Fukesman
Soul & Sea


Image by Florian Kurz from Pixabay

in the new-ness

i was consumed,

swallowed by a blue fire that came

burning down the hill behind

my home —

see the sky now, the plum-purple rage of it,

see the dirt now, green and heartbroken —

under the tired lines of your heels —

we all built something once,

willing it to stay.

Image by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay

we all chose to brave something once,

blow a wisp of wish into an invisible wild,

set out on a half-formed prayer,

oh, my journeys —

i’ve grew so fond of you all,

all the rugged tapestries and weather-worn stains of you all,

all the layered lessons and soft-lined faces of you all.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

please hold me one last time

before we need to part ways

and I must go on.



Golda Fukesman
Soul & Sea

Copywriter, explorer, aspiring doula. Seeking the wild and the true🍃🌾