Shared Abundance ~ Tarot for 25 September 2019

Jan Erickson
Soul & Sea
Published in
4 min readSep 26, 2019

I love non-traditional Tarot decks and the Paulina deck is simply beautiful! I love the faeries and the whimsical nature of the deck, but there’s also a presence about the deck that I find compelling.

In today’s reading, I drew the 6 of Pentacles, the King of Cups, and the King of Wands reflecting the energies of Earth (practical matters), Water (emotions), and Fire (will) respectively. I titled the reading Shared Abundance to align with the message of the 6 of Pentacles and the reading’s overall numerology of six. Let’s take a look at each card.

The 6 of Pentacles

A mystical woman offers potted flowers to two woodland creatures who graciously receive her gifts. Her dress is adorned by the Sun, Moon, and stars while a flower hat sits atop her head. A leafless tree looks on, its eyes, nose, and mouth visible toward the top of the card while a small bird perches on one of its branches.

The 6 of Pentacles assumes success, enough so that it is shared with others. Essentially, we’re looking at shared abundance as the woman has more than she needs and enjoys sharing her success with others. The generosity of spirit, a favor returned, and fair distribution are all traditional interpretations of the 6 of Pentacles with the spiritual harmony found in the six providing the foundation.

The King of Cups

A smiling King floats on the water while seated on a swan. He’s clothed in an ornate violet robe while holding a golden chalice in his left hand while extending his right in greeting. Steam rises from the chalice while stars escape from his right hand. His hair appears in triple aspect, a star blessing each tip, while a fourth is depicted by his beard, all elements in balance.

Court cards can involve the individual represented on the card as well as their qualities and in the King of Cups we see a compassionate man in authority who is welcoming and peaceful. Although this King can be passive-aggressive when out of sorts, in this rendition of the King of Cups, he’s nothing of the sort.

The King of Wands

The King of Wands in this deck is stunning. Elemental Fire is present throughout the card from the King’s fiery orange gown to the serpents and salamanders scattered about the scene. The King of Wands is a beautiful and intricate card. The back of his throne almost appears to flow upward like a flame while the face of a lion is carved into its right side. And he holds an extraordinarily long staff while wearing a sun-blazed golden crown. A winter scene appears in the background, a small creek winding its way through the forest.

The King looks intently at the reader, his eyes painted like those of a jester. His commanding presence doesn’t offend or control but instead gives wise counsel to all who approach. There is movement throughout the card reflecting the catalytic presence of the King. Although he may be a warrior King, his creative presence is on display as he awaits the opportunity to offer wisdom to all.

Bringing It All Together

Whenever Kings appear in a reading, I become somewhat concerned given their unstable nature. Kings are typically self-oriented, even when they’re able to interact well with others, so when two or more appear in a reading, it can indicate arrogant or unstable energy.

But with the Paulina Tarot deck, it’s difficult to interpret the cards in any way other than positive given their whimsical presentation. We begin the reading in shared abundance and move from there to not one but two Kings which could be troubling except for their positive representation on each card.

The reader would do well to view the Kings as teaching valuable lessons of compassion and integrity which the woman in the 6 of Pentacles wisely embraces. The reciprocity between the woman and the forest creatures describes the act of giving and receiving when a balanced experience or interaction isn’t required or necessary. The woman finds that balance by embracing the generosity of spirit expressed by both Kings.

The six itself provides the overall numerology for the reading, establishing the effect of Higher Self or Spirit on our interactions with others. A greater level of harmony is possible when we view others as the other side of self instead of simply the other and someone to fear. And I think that’s the true message of the reading.

Until next time…

Blessings to all!

Originally published at on September 26, 2019.



Jan Erickson
Soul & Sea

Blogger at Empath✵Witch✵Reiki Master✵Kenpo✵Herbalist — Author of Shifting Perception and more…