Soul & Sea Letters

Vaishali Paliwal
Soul & Sea
3 min readJul 24, 2019


Dated July 24, 2019

Dear Soul & Sea residents,

We had a beautiful beautiful week at Soul & Sea. Like anything else, when the publication was launched, it was done so with a certain idea, however as and when stories starting coming in from different contributors, that idea morphed into many different things that couldn't have been imagined at its inception. These ‘different’ things had fresh new perspectives and views on human existence, divinity and spirituality, manifested in the forms of lovely poems and stories.

If you have not already done so, please support and encourage the writers by checking out their work.

John Piantanida shares an exceptional piece urging us to look beyond our mundane perspectives and really touch the here and the now which is the key to our access to divinity and the source.

Will Schmit’s Tree mend us poem is a pilgrimage by itself. Do not miss out on this gorgeous work.

Troy Camplin shares this piece of utmost depth while interrogating and reflecting on the question of complexities around our experiences in this time and space.

Elise shares a very personal story and her reflections on the synchronicity of the universe in play even during very challenging situations of our lives. ‘Life has always looked after me’ is a beautiful message from her.

A beautiful poem on one divine love by Simon Heathcote

We are a small group right now with most of the contributing writers not with a big following or visibility so please do not get discouraged if a low number of claps or comments on your stories. Believe me when I say the eyes that needed to you see your sacred and divine piece, has already seen it, and the great work of change is already in motion. Please continue to shine, write and share. This is your space- intimate, community-driven and meaningful.

One of the many goals of Soul & Sea is to promote brand new voices in Medium that remain hidden gems under ‘Top stories’ which we obviously enjoy and appreciate but we are equally excited to read new voices. In this light, please help spread the existence of Soul & Sea so we can get more and more new artists on the forum.

Lastly, below is the link if you want to be added as a writer and other information related to the publication.

Thank you again for being so kind and respectful to Soul & Sea.

love and light
-Soul & Sea

