Soul & Sea Poetry Prize

Open For Submissions

Vaishali Paliwal
Soul & Sea


2 min readMar 5, 2021



Dear Soul & Sea friends,

How are you doing? We hope you are finding time for self care and self love as times remain challenging. If you can find time and corner for this project, it might get you a few cups of free coffee if not anything else. But mostly we hope this can bring you some hours of meditative reflection on your own soul journeys and that of the world.

If you have some thought provoking poetic pieces on spirituality and mysticism, please feel free to submit between now and April 30th. If you are not a writer at Soul & Sea, drop a comment to this post so we can add you.

First prize: $300
Second prize: $200
Third prize: $100

There are no rules in terms of length etc as long as you stay close to the themes of the publication, and that you should be able to receive prize money through Venmo. If you are submitting the piece between now and 4/30 for this project, please add a note to the post ‘ Submitted for Soul & Sea Poetry Prize’. We will announce the prizes by May 31st.

Hoping you can share some of your seas.

Soul & Sea

