Triple Eight Pattern: The Strength of Higher Self Awareness

Jan Erickson
Soul & Sea
Published in
4 min readNov 15, 2019

After some Triple Goddess magick yesterday, I took out my Wild Unknown Tarot deck and finished out my triple aspect working with a three-card spread. This deck is beautifully non-traditional and I love the approach that Kim Krans, the author, used to depict each card. Her cards are simple yet profound.

I love patterns in Tarot, and whenever I get a run on a single number in a three-card reading, in my opinion, it signals that a triple aspect energy of some kind is in play. We just had an 11/11 portal a couple of days ago and for three eights to present during the Full Moon it feels significant and reminds me of the Lion’s Gate 8/8/8 portal that occurs each August. So, of course, I’m going to interpret the reading from that standpoint.

Before we look at the cards, let’s look at the eight numerology. Eight suggests an awareness of the collective consciousness along with practical matters, leadership, and responsibility. But in addition to that, the eight resonates with the intellect, universal harmony, justice, and regeneration. So the eight really does suggest a higher level of awareness.

The magickal working (spell) I performed focused on a higher level of awareness employing sigils for Hecate, Lilith, and Brigid in the working. I wanted to align goddess energies in a triple-aspect working during the Crone phase of the Full Moon to provide soul-level guidance for discernment, awakening, and healing. So with that in mind, let’s look at the cards.

8 cups are broken on the ground in front of a large dark mountain that rises behind them. Traditional interpretations of the 8 of Cups describes facing challenges and letting go of emotions that no longer serve us. Higher goals are expressed by cups/emotions so broken that only Spirit can make the repair. The theme of this card of Elemental Water is to let go of illusion as well as emotions that prevent clarity.

A lightning bolt strikes the center of 8 branches arranged in a pattern reminiscent of the Wheel of the Year. The 8 of Wands depicts swift movement, protection, and attack. A card of the Fire element, its energy is dynamic and catalytic suggesting momentum achieved from an unseen source. It also indicates alignment and focus.

A spider waits in the center of her web while 8 small pentacles surround its edge. While traditional decks depict the 8 of Pentacles as a craftsman working diligently at his craft to establish his legacy, the spider in this non-traditional deck waits patiently for her prey to come to her, unable to escape its destiny. By her web’s very creation, the spider establishes the framework for her life as she maintains a safe space for herself and her offspring. If the web should be damaged, she sets about its repair. A card of the Earth element, the 8 of Pentacles describes even progression, patience, and perseverance.

The overall numerology of the reading is six, or Higher Self energy, harmony, and a shared sense of purpose. So, we’re still looking at a perspective or influence of Spirit, and in the case of my working, Triple Goddess influence.

Hecate would use the message of the 8 of Cups to counsel us to let go of that which no longer serves, transmuting negative experiences and karma into the blessing of awareness and truth.

Lilith would tear down our assumptions and challenge everything we believe with the catalytic presence of the 8 of Wands, demanding that we stand in our own power and remain true to our aspirations and goals.

Finally, Brigid would remind us of our legacy, of the boundaries and relationships that have frayed, and of the healing that is still necessary, drawing all into the 8 of Pentacles’ protective web.

The reason behind the Goddess working I performed during the Crone phase of the Full Moon in Taurus was simple. I cast the intention for Lilith to break down barriers, Brigid to heal, and Hecate to restore. In other words, I cast the intention for collective awakening and healing to take place.

The endless triggers, confusion, and stress experienced by so many of us over the last few years have taken a destructive toll and I thought it might be nice to transmute all of it into a sense of unified purpose. Our collective family has been in conflict for too long and Goddess assistance may be needed now so that we can let go of dysfunctional perceptions that have kept us apart.

Relating the reading to both the 11/11 and 8/8/8 Lion’s Gate energy portals, it feels like a new direction is opening, a gateway or portal into not only new experiences, but a return to a fundamental unity lost long ago. As we go forward, this is a time for remembrance of who we are to each other allowing our unity to resonate instead of the division we currently experience.

A tipping point has been reached and we cannot go back now. No matter the challenges ahead, know that Goddess presence is with us and will always guide our path. But like the Crone, the Goddess doesn’t suffer fools gladly and may provide some unexpected momentum should we begin to lose heart.

Until next time…

Blessings to all!

Originally published at on November 15, 2019.



Jan Erickson
Soul & Sea

Blogger at Empath✵Witch✵Reiki Master✵Kenpo✵Herbalist — Author of Shifting Perception and more…