Venus in Cancer

Vaishali Paliwal
Soul & Sea
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2021
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Petals of blood red germanium scattered after the thunder and rains of last night, have a beautiful bud fallen off too, detached from its root mother.

I make a mandala from the petals and I hold the bud in my hand. It starts to bloom in my heart. The crimson red petals growing bigger and bigger, light of divine remembrance spreading in my being.

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Dhikr. Dhikr. Dhikr of two mothers. One with her eyes closed, with red full germanium in her hair. Her season asking me to nurture and mother myself. Other with her pink light of love and beauty, a perfected pink rose watching over all of us.

Two mothers of harmony, love, motherhood and beauty in our charts today. Everything we pick today, every being we embrace, will be well looked after, will be safe, will be protected, will be loved well, will be loved big, in the lap of these mothers, Venus and Cancer.

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