Weekly Rune & Moon for 15–21 December 2019

Jan Erickson
Soul & Sea
Published in
6 min readDec 14, 2019

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As a new week begins, let’s take a look at the upcoming influences. Fortuna Minor is the overall significator suggesting a week where we make progress in some fashion. As always, I’m looking at each day’s numerology, Elder Futhark rune, and Moon information derived from both traditional astrology and Human Design’s use of the I Ching. The runes appear below.

Sunday, 15 December

  • Numerology — 15/6 — Higher Self, Venus, harmony, balance, perfection, Taurus, benevolence, peace, health, truth, perfection, marriage, rebirth, Merkaba
  • Day — Sunday is a day governed by the Sun reflecting success, joy, protection, power, confidence, and health
  • Rune — Perthro (14) — Water, birth, womb, chance, well of Wyrd, childbirth, healing, understanding fate, cause/effect
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position — Gate 56 Line 2 Linkage describes superficiality that is readily revealed therefore unsustainable
  • Astro Moon Position — Leo — determined, generous, loyal, persevering, leadership-oriented, and a need to be recognized.

Set aside dishonesty for more respectful interactions with others today. Allow Higher Self to determine your path. The effect of our choices is understood as we reestablish a sense of shared purpose with others.

Monday, 16 December

  • Numerology — 16/7 — magick, original creation, balance between dark/light, Moon, Aries, septenate universe, 7 Rays, Pleiades
  • Day — Monday is a day governed by the Moon and involves healing and intuition along with feminine magicks
  • Rune — Raidho (5) — Air, soul journey, partnership, process over goal, harmonious movement, integration, rhythm, cycles, justice
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position — Gate 33 Line 5 Timing describes hidden intentions
  • Astro Moon position — Leo until Virgo at 11:16 PM PDT — trustworthy, reserved, and intuitive, focused but can be hypercritical of self and others. Focus on tolerance.

Preserve Sunday’s progress toward shared purpose with others by forgoing hidden intentions and engage with others with harmony and integration. The Moon transitions late in the evening from Leo’s need to be the center of attention to a more reserved approach with Virgo, active until Thursday.

Tuesday, 17 December

  • Numerology — 17/8 — practical matters, leadership, responsibility, Saturn, Libra, judicial power, intellect, universal harmony, justice, Earth
  • Day — Tuesday is governed by Mars and is filled with passion and energy
  • Rune — Kenaz (6) — Fire, torch, light, illumination, clarity, revelation, healing, well-being, love, intuition, transformation, creativity, awakening
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position — Gate 29 Line 2 Assessment describes persistence but with an abundance of caution
  • Astro Moon position — Virgo — trustworthy, reserved, and intuitive, diligent and focused, but can be hypercritical of self and others. Focus on tolerance.

The energy exists today for illumination and transformation. That said, focus on the outcome should be tempered with caution so that passions don’t overtake or interfere with reason or rationality. Truth is possible today. Focus on that and the rest should fall into place.

Wednesday, 18 December

  • Numerology — 18/9 — endings, completion, Mars, Scorpio, Theta
  • Day — Wednesday is governed by Mercury and involves communication, reason, and intellectual expression
  • Rune — Wunjo (8) — Earth, joy, wish rune, peace, fellowship, harmony, success, happiness
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position — Gate 40 Line 5 Rigidity describes that awareness that negative forces have no place in the equation
  • Astro Moon position — Virgo — trustworthy, reserved, and intuitive, diligent and focused, but can be hypercritical of self and others. Focus on tolerance.

Negative forces in our lives may either be coming to an end or at least take a back seat to the illumination and transformation gained yesterday. A nine energy today reinforces this by suggesting completion or endings. The Virgo Moon should help keep us focused but avoid intolerance of where others may be in their own transformation process. We’ll all get there, even if it’s on our own time.

Thursday, 19 December

  • Numerology — 19/1 — new beginnings, unity, wholeness, Sun, Leo, self, intuitive knowledge, Monad, First Cause, Alpha
  • Day — Thursday is governed by Jupiter and involves expansion and benevolence
  • Rune — Isa (11) — Water, Norn rune of the Present (Verdandi), ice, becoming, stillness, contraction, will development, focus, consciousness, freezing unwanted behavior or situations
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position — Gate 6 Line 2 The Guerilla understands the need for exploitation of weakness when appropriate
  • Astro Moon position — Virgo until Libra at 2:05 AM PST — friendly, social, relationship-oriented, tolerant, artistic, peace-oriented to the point of losing boundaries at times.

Libra may be represented by the scales and balance, but sometimes the Libran energy needs to give things a shove so to speak to make any of that happen. In that regard, perhaps balanced effort better describes the Libran influence. But today, we want Libra to remain still in the resting position of the scale and simply observe the swing of the scales pans.

New beginnings are possible today, but if situations become chaotic, bring your focus to a still point and allow energies to settle out before engaging further. In other words, step aside from the chaos and seek inner peace. There may be subterfuge at the heart of the chaos and solutions will never be found there.

Friday, 20 December

  • Numerology — 20/2 — duality, polarity, balance, reason, causation, Dyad, Beta, Moon, Aquarius
  • Day — Friday is governed by Venus and involves love, balance, and harmony
  • Rune — Ehwaz (13) — Air/Fire, the connection between opposites, as above so below, the link between realms, trance work, protection
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position — Gate 18 Line 5 Therapy suggests the wisdom and awareness to seek or offer guidance
  • Astro Moon position — Libra — friendly, social, relationship-oriented, tolerant, artistic, peace-oriented to the point of losing boundaries at times.

Friday focuses on maintaining connections. Love is in the air and if we managed to maintain our awakening over the week, we’re ready to engage with others in harmony and balance! In fact, today we may have the opportunity and blessing to extend love and support to someone else who may be having a difficult time.

Saturday, 21 December

  • Numerology — 21/3 — catalyst, triple aspects, mind/body/Spirit, Jupiter, Capricorn, Triad, Gamma, the middle, Hecate, Norns (Urdh, Verdandi, Skuld)
  • Day — Saturday is governed by Saturn and involves binding, slowing, and resistance
  • Rune — Sowilo (16) — Fire, will, Spirit, energy, self-confidence, healing, Higher Self, illumination, the link between Spirit and form
  • Human Design (I Ching) Moon position — Gate 32 LIne 2 Restraint indicates power controlled to promote harmony and transformation
  • Astro Moon position — Libra until Scorpio at 4:58 AM PST — focused, deceptive, ambitious, emotionally extreme, vindictive.

Restraint may be required today as Fire blends with Saturnian Earth energies. Scorpio also takes over today suggesting a change in mood potentially resulting in deception or vindictiveness. Stay focused and refuse to allow outside forces to disturb the awakening and illumination achieved over the week.

Overall Thoughts

It feels like we’re on the precipice of something new, or perhaps this is simply a return to harmony and balance with others. The last few years have left us at loggerheads, unable to see past perceptions that achieve nothing but discord.

We all need to focus on the progress and ignore any obstacles that attempt to deter us from a return to a shared purpose.

Until next time…

Blessings to all!

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Originally published at https://www.imsteppingaside.com on December 14, 2019.



Jan Erickson
Soul & Sea

Blogger at http://www.imsteppingaside.com/ Empath✵Witch✵Reiki Master✵Kenpo✵Herbalist — Author of Shifting Perception and more…