More Than One Marriage is Not Less Meaningful or Less Valid.

And other common myths about romantic relationships…

image by Jeremy Wong from

There are several misguided and inaccurate ideas about relationships and marriage in our culture that cause damage. Ones that frequently create expectations in relationships and marriage that harm more than they help.

We have this belief in our culture that a marriage (or any romance) must last “forever”…or else.

That if any romantic relationship or marriage ends, it is a “failure.”

That wedding vows are made to be stuck to, regardless of if the relationship no longer fits, or is not healthy or happy.

That a second or third marriage is automatically less meaningful than the first one, simply by means of it not being “the first.” That somehow, the ones that follow are less meaningful, less beautiful, or less valid.

These concepts and values are inaccurate.

These judgemental, misguided ideas serve at diminishing, invalidating, and taking away from the meaning, joy, and beauty that different relationships gift us with during our lives.

They also encourage people to stay in relationships that are no longer well-matched, healthy, or happy for unsound reasons.

