Opposite Sex Friendship, and Why It’s Important.

To avoid friendship with someone because of their sex is like choosing not to befriend someone because of their age or race.

Instead, your choice in friends should have to do with their character and personality. Is this someone with whom you can connect and vibe? As well as, and most important, what is the nature of their heart?

Are they loyal? Trustworthy? Are they caring? Fun to be with? Does this person make you feel inspired? Are they a respectful person? A great listener? Do they have good morals and values that we generally want to surround ourselves with? Are they kind? Generally emotionally healthy and happy?

These are the types of assessors one should use when choosing a friend. Sex does not determine the quality of friendship a person may offer. Instead, this is indicated by their character, values, and who they are as a person.

Compelling reasons to befriend someone of the opposite sex:

  • This person can offer alternate viewpoints on various life situations that you might not receive from the same sex, offering a more diverse view of things.
  • Befriending someone of the opposite sex teaches you to expand your ideas of who a good friend can be. A good friend can be anyone. Regardless of age, religion, ethnicity, or sex. Again…

