Tribute to a dear friend.

Juneta Key
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2019


The photo was taken at my Apt when I still lived in Texas


My history is long and ancient.
I was once revered as an Egyptian god.
My bloodlines are aristocratic.
I am a skilled hunter.

My nature is wild, independent and sensual.
I am a creature of instinct.
Ping Pong Mouse in a cardboard box is my favorite game.
I love to play and pounce from hidden places.

You have my affection, but my attention must be earned.
My mind is curious, nimble, and sensitive.
If you talk to me I will talk back.
I am resourceful, adaptable, and can be self-sufficient.

I can problem-solve when I choose, or in great boredom.
I don't like to be bored.
I can become very demanding in such circumstances.
I crave cleanliness.

I do not like my feet to get dirty.
I practice good hygiene, so please keep my facilities clean.
You won’t like me if I get miffed about it.
I am ever watchful and easily amused.

