How Travel Heals Your Soul

Tanmai Kawle
Soul Travel
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2024
Photo by Fredrik Öhlander on Unsplash

Have you ever noticed how a small trip to a new place can make you feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and ready to take on the world?

This often happens to me. Every time I travel, even just for one day, it refreshes my mind and helps me think more clearly. Well, I think this happens because traveling has the power to heal our souls.

But how? Here is what I found.

1. Breaking the Routine

We all have some sort of routine in our lives. It can be as simple as getting up, making the bed, brushing teeth, making breakfast, taking a bath, eating breakfast, and leaving for work.

That’s a routine, right? We all have that, even if we never planned one. When you travel, your routine breaks, which triggers your brain. It literally tells your brain that doing something different can also be fun. That helps refresh your mind. Breaking the routine also helps you come out of your comfort zone, which is good for both your mental and physical health.

2. Welcoming New Adventures

When I say adventure, you’re probably thinking about climbing mountains or trekking. But I’m not. Adventure means anything that is challenging for you. For me, adventure is traveling with local transportation.

Yes, that’s really challenging for me. But it helps me come out of my comfort zone, observe the daily lives of people, and meet some great friends. Yeah, most of the time I miss my stop, but it becomes a whole new adventure.

3. Connecting with Others

If you’re an introvert like me talking to strangers is a whole new adventure. But you know, sometimes these are the people who help you become a better version of yourself.

You not only connect with humans, but you also get a chance to connect with their lives, their problems, and their views towards life. This gives you the ability to see your life from a different point of view.

4. Gratitude for Life

When new experiences and breathtaking beauty surround you, it’s hard not to feel grateful towards the world. Traveling opens your eyes to see the world in a new way.

It helps you open your mind to new experiences and cultures. It helps you find the simple joys of living and makes you feel grateful for the life you have.

5. Finding Inner Peace

Only people who live in the city crave travel more than anyone else. Maybe it’s because we are consistently surrounded by noise and chaos. Traveling helps you get out of that zone.

One of my travel friends told me, “Tanmai, you can only find the real you on top of a mountain, deep in the sea, or dark in a jungle.” I think I agree with him. You can never find inner peace in the city.

Final Thoughts

Traveling is different for each one of us. I can’t tell you where you’ll heal your soul, but all I can tell you is that traveling helps me connect with myself.

So, give it a try.

If you ever feel lost in life, pack your bag and head to the mountains or near the beach. Trust me, you’ll never come back the same as before.



Tanmai Kawle
Soul Travel

I write about Travel, Theme Page Business, AI tools, Online Business, and Korean Drama. More about me: