Write for Soul Travel

Submission Guidelines

Órla K.
Soul Travel
2 min readApr 1, 2022


Photo taken by the author in Lisbon, Portugal, September 2021

Hello and welcome to Soul Travel!

Soul Travel publication was created for writers who enjoy traveling for the purpose of mental, emotional, and spiritual growth.

You are adventurous, curious, and love people, culture, and anything that expands your mind and helps you to grow.

It is for travelers who travel to share their own culture while at the same time not imposing their culture onto others.

It is also for those who travel to volunteer or work abroad with the view to learning more about the host country.

What would sum up a soul traveler?

  • Soul travelers want to give to the world, whether that be time, skills, friendship, encouragement, or simply their smile.
  • Soul travelers are mindful and sensitive to the struggles of others, such as poverty, oppression, lack of education, or opportunities.
  • Soul travelers never exploit or take advantage of people who are less fortunate than them.

It is a privilege to travel. Many people do not have the resources to even leave their hometown, so we keep this in mind as we enjoy the beauty of our world.


Before submitting, please ensure you follow the Medium distribution guidelines.

I would also like to add that I do not publish coarse language unless it is absolutely necessary for the story, but it is rare that I would accept it as you can always blank out the word.

I also do not accept images that are distasteful, inappropriate, or violate the rights of another person.

Useful links to help you understand how things work on Medium

What to do now

If you would like to be added as a writer please leave a comment below saying, “I’d like to write for Soul Travel” or something like that, and I will add you right away!

All submissions will need to fit the criteria of the publication, otherwise, your piece won’t be added. Sorry.

If your submission is not accepted, we will add a private note to the story.

We look forward to reading your first piece. :)

If you enjoy Soul Travel, you can also follow us on Instagram : soultravel727

Thank you!



Órla K.
Soul Travel

Learn about mental, emotional, and spiritual heath. Top writer in Travel. Christian Life Coach/Substack: https://orlakenny.substack.com/