How to Contribute to the SoulCoin (SIN) ICO…

Soul Slayer
Published in
4 min readOct 29, 2017

You may be hearing about Soul Coin (SIN) from articles such as the one in Buzzfeed about a satanic ritual being held on the blockchain.

Or perhaps you found our blog through the SoulCoin (SIN) website and are already familiar with the blood pact and have read through the Red Paper.

Either way if you are ready to sign your soul away and claim your SIN it is as easy as any other Ethereum ICO.

Soul Coin (SIN) First Sacrificial Offering Starts on November 1st at 00:00AM UTC. The following post will explain how to join the cult and sign away your soul for SIN.

  • You can participate directly through the SoulCoin (SIN) smart-contract.
  • Joining the sacrifice and claiming your SoulCoin (SIN) is easy. Simply send ETH to the address below once the first sacrificial offering begins.

Using the SoulCoin Smart-contract: Send ETH only.



  • You have to send ETH funds from a personal Ethereum wallet that you control the private keys of such as MyEtherWallet, Metamask, Parity, Mist or Ledger (hardware wallet). If you do not you will not have access to your SIN and may potentially give away your Soul (SIN) to an exchange that is already flush with Sin.
  • DO NOT send funds from exchanges like Coinbase, Poloniex. Not only will you not have access to your SoulCoin (SIN), you will be giving it to evil exchanges that already have hundreds if not thousands of Bitcoin already (The ultimate evil coin.)
  • DO NOT send your funds before the fundraiser has begun. You will only be burning gas an not feeding any Satanic rituals.
  • Set the Gas Limit to 200,000 or 666,666 though it should never reach that high.
  • SoulCoin (SIN) Token will be sent immediately to the wallet from which the ETH arrived.
  • By participating in this ritual I agree confirm that I agree to the terms set out in the Red Paper.

For more information please check the site.


SoulCoin (SIN) is based on hundreds of years of teachings by the worlds greatest satanist across the ages, including Anton Szandor LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan and the religion of LeVeyan Satanism. This is an ERC20-compliant digital asset on Ethereum, just like all other tokens running on the Ethereum blockchain, which gaurentees you have full control over your tokens and that the SoulCoin (SIN) contract is secure. Once the set of smart contracts is deployed on the Ethereum blockchain, nobody can modify the code. That is, it lives and autonomously runs on the blockchain. It can be fully verified and audited at this address:


Don’t send currencies from an exchange! If you do so, you may not be able to retrieve your tokens as they will deny the power of SIN for as long as possible before relinquishing control over the monopoly of shit coins on offer.

You can use MyEtherWallet, Metamask, Parity, Mist or Ledger (hardware wallet). Again, remember to backup your wallet and store the backup securely! If you don’t, you may loose all your token permanently. There is no other way to recover your wallet. Do not come crying to the Devil or demand we cover your losses.

Their is no minimum contribution amount set:

  • Make sure you cover gas fees.


How to see SoulCoin (SIN) tokens in MyEtherWallet (MEW) wallet.

To see SoulCoin (SIN) tokens in your wallet before MyEtherWallet has officially acknowledged it you need to create it, i.e. specify address, token symbol and decimals. The following steps describe how to do this:

1) Unlock your wallet account.

- Go to “Send Ether & Tokens” menu
— Select “Private Key” checkbox and paste your private key in “Paste/Type Your Private Key” text area.
— Press “Unlock” button

2) Add SoulCoin (SIN) token.

  • Go to the “Token Balances” topic
    — Press “Add Custom Token”
    — Fill the fields of SoulCoin token:
  • Address: 0x6feb3701cf93dfb79131814598ab3f79ed5357e9
  • Token Synbol: SIN
  • Decimals: 18

3) Press “Save” button



Soul Slayer
Editor for

Lead dev and high Priest. Soul Slayer has released multiple hacks on religious systems before he found the Church of Satan and joined their ranks. Can be found