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Earned Media Value: Cracking the Code

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4 min readAug 1, 2018


As the reliance on content and influencer marketing increases, so has the need for more reliable metrics to report earned media value. Until three years ago, the industry was lacking a formal process to evaluate these values. Both influencer and social marketing are relatively new industries, so analytics to track them have not been well-defined and consistent. Some social networks don’t even provide basic metrics to report success and those that do have often come under scrutiny.

Working with Fortune 500 brands on content and influencer-based campaigns across many verticals, we had the perfect testing ground for EMV metrics. A key campaign helped us gain clarity on what the industry needed. This travel sector company ran a campaign aligning their brand with a top-tier influencer to bring to life travel tips and experiences through a travel vlog video series. The campaign generated five videos and 66 total content pieces across YouTube, Instagram and Twitter. Our partner agency needed to report on the number and so we built EMV so we could help them ascertain that this content generated $143k in earned media value.

How did we arrive at that number? With a lot of research and experience, processed with our Soulmates.AI technology. We wanted to put a stake in the ground and help facilitate a process for establishing a standard industry metric, so we decided to create the a.network Earned Media Value Index (or a.EMVI). The a.EMVI offers comprehensive benchmarks to evaluate campaign ROI, which we encourage all marketers to leverage. We also invite the community to contribute their feedback to help us keep updating our benchmarks.

After further conversations with the industry, it quickly became obvious that while everyone has heard of EMV, few have a thorough grasp of the concept and how it can be used.

What Exactly Is Earned Media Value?

As a brief refresher, most media campaigns fall into three categories: paid, owned and earned media. Paid media includes placements that you can buy based on certain metrics like CPM (cost per thousand impressions) and CPE (cost per engagement). This includes posts on social networks, mobile popups and offline media like TV spots. Owned media has no placement cost since this is content placed on your own channels. Owned media has value based on the cost of buying an ad on your network or channel.

Types of marketing and how they function

Earned media is the extended value of paid or organic social or influencer activity. Organic social is not owned media because one cannot buy a banner or ad placement on your social channel. There is no paid media behind organic social, therefore it is 100 percent earned media.

The amount of earned media your social content is valued at is dependent on how well the content performed. When you pay for placement, you are paying for a number of specific actions. Anything beyond what you paid for is classified as earned media value and this is dependent on the success of your content. For example, if you paid based on CPV, but also received a significant number of click-throughs, those clicks are classified as earned media. Earned media can be considered as such: If you stopped all organic social activity, how much paid media is needed to achieve the same earned media results?

Why Do We Need EMV?

Impressions are no longer king and it’s about time. We are living in an age of ad-blockers, time-shifted entertainment and the social reach is declining for brand pages. Marketers know that the value of impressions is declining and they are learning why the various types of engagement are the real metrics to follow. The a.EMVI helps judge real dollar values for these metrics.

Working with agencies, brands and platforms, we understand the need to show the value of influencer and social campaigns. As such, we’re committed to updating our Earned Media Value Index regularly to maintain the latest market values and fill this void in the industry. Our approach to determining earned media values is to be unbiased and as thorough as possible by using a comparison-based approach rather than relying solely on partner platform, brand and agency data. When infused with the social-smart Soulmates.AI technology, we are able to generate daily values across various industries.

We researched comparable reports and information on valuation/costs, grouping it into four main categories: auction based pricing, paid social and media campaign data, organic social data and third-party publications. Our Index includes values for key specific verticals: Automotive, Beauty & Fashion, Consumer Electronics, Entertainment, Financial Industry, Food and Beverage, Healthcare and Gaming. We are constantly developing new verticals. We evaluated all of our comps, often throwing out major outliers, factored in whether campaigns were engagement-focused or funnel-focused and applied weights to the comps accordingly.

Our sources for our EMV Index

For more details on our methodology and rate cards that can be used to evaluate the ROI of your campaigns, a report is available for download here and the index is available in real-time at EarnedMediaValues.com.

To ask questions or to provide feedback about EMV, please email emv@soulmates.ai.




We help brands turn data into influence. Blending social & data sciences, our tech powers the sourcing, creation and measurement of content through AI.