How to Change Your Thoughts About Money

Genecia Alluora
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2017

Lay blame and carrying baggage won’t help us as women leaders and female entrepreneurs.

Women are having issues with money: where to get it, where they can earn it ad all other issues revolving around money. Having had 6-figure debts before, I realized that as business owners, there are a lot that we can do to change our rituals and mindsets to make our lives better.

Forgiveness. It is one of the most powerful and transformational personal development tools that I personally use and that you can use throughout your life. I personally have healed many wounds, re-bonded with my family and love myself a little more these days. You may have done a lot of personal development courses and may have forgiven all the people in your life, but you may have forgotten to forgive yourself.

Forgiving yourself and setting yourself free makes all the difference. It releases you from your past mistakes or perceived mistakes that you made with money. It releases you from all baggage and blame and allows you to move on.

It’s very important that you don’t forget that forgiveness is the key to breaking through our own justification, reasons and excuses.

One of the things that we need to forgive ourselves for is our past debt. Debt creates a lot of shame, anger, negativity, guilty and burden on our shoulders.

First, you need to get rid of your debt, and I have just the thing for that:

  1. Write down everything that got you into debt. You might spend money on things you don’t really need.
  2. Release the blame around debt. This can really be powerful if you want to take your business to the next level. You will be able to get more clarity on how you can get more money and increase your income.
  3. Forgive yourself on all your past mistakes. It maybe because of your expenditures, people or bad decisions. Write down all the mistakes you did in your life and start forgiving yourself for each one.

Most of us hold a lot of guilt in our hearts. It’ like how the saying goes: You drink the poison and you expect the other person dies. The other person will not die, because you are the one who is angry and who has a lot of baggage.

Give yourself permission to change and learn from your mistakes.

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Genecia Alluora

Founder, Soul Rich Woman & public speaker on: Building a women community, mindset, build a brand that everyone loves online >>