How to Get Out of Debt

Genecia Alluora
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2017

The valentine’s day episode.

Sometimes it’s not just about making all the money but we also need to think of how we can get out of debt.

I used to have a lot of debts, so I totally understand how it feels to be in debt. Right now, I am totally debt free and I can’t tell you how amazing it feels. There is a lot of freedom and a good feeling not owing anything to everyone.

There are a lot of things you can do to free yourself from debt . What is most important is our mental mindset and forgiveness because we cannot hide under the blanket and wait for the problems to go away. Forgiveness of yourself, your debt and anyone who has been a cause for you to be in debt is very helpful if you want to go towards the path of being debt-free.

I used to have a problem forgiving my former business partner and other people who have caused me to be in debt because I was very angry and I was feeling a lot of guilt and shame. I am a public figure, always on the TV and the radio, yet still I’m in debt. Just think about it, it’s horrible!

Having debts makes you feel awful things. I used to always be down and sad and I have considered suicide several times. I got so depressed that I don’t know where to turn to anymore. I blamed everybody that I could blame but I could tell you that putting the blame on others will not do you any good. Only truly when you forgive people, can you be free.

I know that a lot of people are in debt for a lot of reasons, so here are ways you can clear your debts and have financial freedom:

  1. Forgive yourself and others. This will help you clear and de-clutter your emotional and mental baggage surrounding your debt. This way, you can think clearly and create an actionable plan. When you are carrying a lot of negative stuff, that is when it feels the most difficult. because you will always feel victimized, helpless and envious. Don’t go there! Step out into the light and know that there are always possibilities and hope.
  2. How much debt have you really got? I couple of years ago, when I had a lot of debt, I was a mess. I didn’t even know how much I owe to anyone. If you are at this point, get clarity. Make sure that you understand where you are with your debts — the minimum you need to pay. Its true: Knowledge is Power.
  3. Come up with a plan. If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail. If for example, you have a credit card or credit card debts and think that you might use it again, cut it up.

Different people have different ways of dealing with debts, but in my experience, sometimes, it’s not just financial advice; it’s also mindset. Ask yourself: Who will benefit from you if you have a lot of available credit, then use that as your motivation.

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Genecia Alluora

Founder, Soul Rich Woman & public speaker on: Building a women community, mindset, build a brand that everyone loves online >>