Money Empowers Women

Genecia Alluora
Published in
2 min readMar 16, 2017

The valentine’s day episode.

Money empowers women and allows us to do so much more with our loves, our business, our family and so much more in our lives.

There are many aspects to having money. It gives us the flexibility and allows us to create something for ourselves; be able to do whatever we want and choose who we want to spend time with. Money gives us options and helps us set precedents.

Even though money empowers women, we still get to choose who or how we spend our money on. You don’t need to be everything to everyone if you don’t feel like it. It’s all about you as a person.

Don’t see money as something negative, but as a tool to get you from where you are now to where you want to go. It allows us to not get stuck in our business and do stuff to enrich it.

If you choose your path wisely in terms of how you manage your time in business, you also can leverage the money that you make to be in your zonal genius because money empowers you. We can let the money energy to flow.

When you start looking at money positively and help you create a break through in your business, then that’s the time that you are able to grow and help other women succeed, like what I am trying to do.

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  • If you struggle with money blocks, I can help.
  • If you can’t see how you can hit your business goals, I can help.
  • If you’ve been stuck at an income plateau for ages, I can help.

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Genecia Alluora

Founder, Soul Rich Woman & public speaker on: Building a women community, mindset, build a brand that everyone loves online >>