Not Making Enough Income? How to Break Through

Genecia Alluora
Published in
3 min readMar 15, 2017

Decide the price and be willing to pay the price.

I hear a lot of women complaining about money — where to get it, it’s not enough or they’re not making what they expected. There are a lot of what I call ERP — excuses, reasons and persuasion. When it comes to reasons of not doing, you are the greatest master of persuasion. You are the master in persuading yourself not to do it because there are 101 reasons to justify why you should not do it.

If you want to grow as a business owner, if you are on plateau for a long time, there are reasons why you are in that state. Everybody has issues and goes into a plateau in business. You should understand that that’s normal.

I have 8 strategies for you to get over those things today:

  1. Your comfort zone. When you reached plateau in your business, it usually means that you have reached your comfort zone. It doesn’t mean that you are not meant to be successful in business. It just represents what your comfortable with. Whatever that you are making now is a reflection of who you are and how it reflects upon your world. Whatever is happening to your world internally, gets projected outwards externally.
  2. Money blocks. Examine your mindset about money and what issues you have about having money. If you judge yourself for not making enough money, then you always make small money. If you don’t level up your mindset, your income will significantly shrink. You need to work on your mindset everyday because you need to constantly work on yourself. You are a work in progress, all the time. You need to take action to claims the things that you want to happen to you. Simply put, if you don’t take action, nothing’s going to happen. You also need to stop saying that you already know and be open to learning new things because if you are in the same place you were and you are complaining, then you probably don’t know.
  3. Identify your fears about money. What are you afraid of when you have money? Be specific. Identify what is good, bad and ugly about earning money.
  4. Make friends with your accounts. Don’t be scared with financial implications and do accounting for your business. You may start paying additional taxes, but this only means that you are properly accounting your money.
  5. Upgrade your mastermind. You are the average of the six people you spend time with the most. Just like what Jim Rohn said, your income is the average of the people that you spend time the most. Ask yourself how much the people around you are earning the kind of salary that you want. When you hang out with the people who earn that much, then your brain will be tickled all the time.Be a big person by talking about ideas and strategies.
  6. Set a new goal. When women set an income goal, they tend to stop at that. You should always set a next one, so that you always go to the next level.
  7. Time for a break. Sometimes we just need to give ourselves a pat on the back and take a step back and acknowledge yourself.
  8. Give yourself permission to earn more. You need to give yourself permission to make more money and tell yourself that it’s safe for you to go to the next level. Tell yourself that its okay to earn more than other people.

BONUS TIP: Money doesn’t fall from the sky. Take steps ahead and continue doing the things that work.

Make sure that you have focus and that you are consistent on your goals all the time.

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  • If you struggle with money blocks, I can help.
  • If you can’t see how you can hit your business goals, I can help.
  • If you’ve been stuck at an income plateau for ages, I can help.

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Genecia Alluora

Founder, Soul Rich Woman & public speaker on: Building a women community, mindset, build a brand that everyone loves online >>