What You Should Post on Social Media Even if You Don’t Blog

Genecia Alluora
Published in
3 min readMar 20, 2017

Social media marketing may seem like an elusive concept for some of you, and some of you may have a hard time branding your business and letting it out into the world.

Social media marketing may be hard especially for those who don’t blog. As for me, I don’t blog. I do video blogs and re-purpose that video multiple times to generate leads and I post it on all the social media platforms possible.

Here are tips for you to brand your business and attract a tribe that love your message:

  1. Tips for your industry. There are always tips in your industry that can help your tribe that you can post on your social media. There are several ways that you can distribute content to your fans. I recommend a tip template to use and share on your social media platforms. You can do one a day or one per week, or depending on how much information you want to share. You can use this tool called Canva. It is a beautiful app that helps you create graphic designs. All these posts will build your brand and will help you have an authority in your niche. When you have the authority in your niche, even though, you will build a database of followers to buy from you.
  2. Curated articles. This is a way to post very lazily on social media. I do this too! I get articles from other blogs, then add in a little twist to it and post it on my social media page. The right curated content will spark a discussion on your page which will give your fans and followers something they might need from you. Don’t be scared to post other people’s content because your fans are yours for a reason. A lot of Asian entrepreneurs only think that other people are all competitors. The truth is, curating an article and adding your opinion on it or posting that is within the article will help you get a discussion going. A few of the sites you can use is Scoop It, Storify or Klout.
  3. Quotes and inspirational. This is my personal favorite. Your best quotes are your own. There may be a lot of quotes out there that are inspiring, you should choose the ones that resonate with you and are somehow connected to what you are sharing. It shows your authenticity, realness and that you are genuine. If you choose old quotes, people will be bored and walk away from you, thus you may lose your customers.
  4. Do behind the scenes. I love to share behind the scenes in my cafe. You can show images of events or even your work space. When re-branding, you can also show behind the scenes stuff.
  5. Live video. This is my personal favorite because it is probably the best way to promote your products and show your expertise. Having done 724 episodes of live videos, all I need to do is say hi to people and it gives me the opportunity to interact with them. Before I used FB live, I was on Periscope and on webinars. Now, I use FB live mainly and I re-purpose my content. It allows you to interact with people real-time. Did you know why Snapchat is so popular and famous? t’s because the younger generation love authenticity and real-time. People want to see the real person.

You can use multiple ways to talk to your audience. It’s not just all about the blogs.These strategies build trust and credibility. There might be people who hate you, but you need to focus on your message to your audience, and it will be alright.

Make sure you keep your page interesting so you can reach and speak to your audience and clients.

Live your life at your own terms!



Genecia Alluora

Founder, Soul Rich Woman & public speaker on: Building a women community, mindset, build a brand that everyone loves online >>http://www.soulrichwoman.com/group