How serving love will feeding you.

The financial that came in a wired way when I am vibrating in Love.

Lalita Janette
Lalita Janette
2 min readNov 17, 2019


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

I started to believe more and more that money is a form of energy. I began to have more faith that there is no need to know precisely how the money would be manifested.

A year back, I made a promise to God that I would never ever again work for money and money alone as what I did in the past. Not that I think money was a bad thing, but I realised that in the past, my driven behind making money was all about fear, fear of uncertainly future. That was the reason why I worked so hard and accumulated wealth. It was merely because I had more fear than others.

When God found me, He told me to let go of fear and trust in Him. God taught me to have faith, and instead of serving fear, He asked me to give my life to Him. God showed me how to serve Him with Love and let Him alone be my provider. It was hard to believe, but I worked daily to walk the path of love and not fear. I refused many opportunities that came to me if it were not filled my heart with love, even it would provide me financially. In fact, I worked on many other things that didn’t offer me any income as long as my heart filled with joy.

I did not see how my financial would be fulfilled; instead, I spent more and more on traveling and contribute to others. I felt fears from time to time, but deep down, I knew it was fear that I need to work through not the money itself.

This morning God sent me a miracle sign; I log in to my bank account to pay the credit card. The bill was more than usual as I paid for many flight tickets till March next year. After I paid the balance, I noticed that my money balance remained the same amount as what it was since Jun this year. I checked quickly and found that the fund I invested and rarely paid attention to has paid off the expenses of the last six months.

I sat in wonder, feeling sincere gratitude. God always provided and kept His promise. The profound belief was built that money was energy, and it was not necessary to see how it would come as long as I kept my vibration in love. Let love leads, not fear.

I hope that sharing this would help anyone who serving love will have faith that love will always take care of you and your well-being.

Much Love



Lalita Janette
Lalita Janette

Writer of Wild Love Holy Island, founder of Dream Maker publication, sharing Love, building Relationships, enjoying Sexuality, exploring the Spiritual realm