A Pure Soul Who Becomes A Tree Now

Diksha Sahare
Published in
2 min readMay 7, 2024
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

It sounds weird, right? how can a soul turn into a tree but who knows, what is not possible in this world?

One morning when I feeling lazy, I just sat close to my window and saw the outside view. As a human being when you see something, every time your mind gives you some reference about it.

But today my brain also sits in a room that is full of peace and wondering words. So I decided to channel it through my human senses.

Seeing the sunrays that were sitting in the arms of a tree and having some talks with it. I also feel warmth and pureness whenever I go close to that tree. I think that’s why today's sunrays visited this same tree.

Once I decided to go near that tree and ask about their life. I love to know about everyone’s life because I think every life is like a book that gives us many things to know and explore. I named this tree the D.

Living, knowing, and exploring is life and life becomes an end in doing all these things.

The same is the story of this tree that goes on in the path of living life. She tells me that everyone has some blocks in their road in life and you have to push it to become full of sweat that cleans you. So when everyone goes from this stage of life they can see their real self, which is what the universe wants to do with you.

Then I asked her why she living here in the form of a tree and she said that she completed that human life where one goes from different stages of life. but that one print of feeling never fades from her soul that is wanting to experience life.

She never gets bored of day and night & life’s different weather. She doesn’t remember her day in the form of memory she only feels it. She feels the wind in her eyes and absorbs it in her heart.

There is no difference between humans and nature we all are one they also have many stages of their life but they didn’t complain. And I love my friend trees, where I can see myself in them.

When I apply this thinking flow in my life, I also feel peace in my life and get with the wind of life wherever she wants me to turn, I turn and that’s how life goes on.

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Diksha Sahare

just getting inspire by little thing/ Write about self improvement