Be Also Focused On Growing Your Soul and How To Do It.

Diksha Sahare
Published in
2 min readApr 22, 2024
Created by Author from Bing AI

Everyone is becoming aware of how to manage their physical or mental health and I have seen growth in many people who work hard to build themselves but in that process, they forget about their soul that helping them in their life.

I also work hard in every aspect of my life but after someday I feel exhausted from being in my fiery zone or taking action and checking my everyday goal.

One day, I was lying in my bed thinking, what is the thing that exhausted me because I was doing and creating everything I wanted in my life. So what’s the problem? And suddenly my bed gave me the answer.

We think action is everything but we forget to detach our soul from the mode of action from our everyday life and its tasks’.

How to do that-

  1. Get out of the door of your routine

Make some time to spend with your own. No mobile or internet and also no thoughts. Just lay in a place where you want and stop chatting with your brain by doing this you allow some space in your brain by which you can breathe properly with your soul.

2. Evaporate your tension

Everyone is in different stages of their life where one is in the process of achieving something or another already achieved that, see what situation you are in. Release tension and every day submit your work in your dream bin. tell yourself that you are in the process of building. Being every time in tension mode increases the rate of your breathing pattern. So slow down and evaporate the burden.

3. Practicing soul second name Peace

Adding peace to your life is a great gift you can give yourself to become a better self-aware person. Accepting your life situation and being aware of what is going on in your life is the best path that goes forward to peace kingdom. When you surrender yourself to peace it automatically tells you where you should act or where to be in peace mode.

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Diksha Sahare

just getting inspire by little thing/ Write about self improvement