How absurd do you think your dreams are?

Felcy Raja
Published in
3 min readMar 14, 2023

Dream — A word, a fantasy, a poem, a dream, a hope, an idea, a spark, a thriller, a fiction, etc. You can add as many words as you wish to that one word, which has endless meanings in itself, depending on the type of dreamer.

Dr A P J Abdul Kalam’s statement on a dream is forever fascinating. He says, “Dream is not what you see in sleep,dream is something that does not let you sleep”. You may have noticed that at each stage in your life, the definition of a dream evolved from the one you get while you sleep to the one that stays with you even when you are awake.

The child in you who explained their dreams when you were a kid with so much excitement, awe and great enthusiasm like a flower got transformed into a bud that denies itself from blossoming. It’s true that when you grew up, dreams became complicated.

Life, when it was a plant, was so fascinating but when it starts its journey as a tree, it has to face a lot of setbacks in all dimensions such as family, career, personal finance, kids’ education, assets, etc., the list doesn’t end.

In this fast-paced world, there is no one without a dream. A dream may be a silent one or partially exposed or wide open for everyone to know. No matter the type, it’s still a dream.

The non-practical dreamers of this world achieved greater feats than the logical ones.

# COLUMBUS dreamed of an Unknown World.

# COPERNICUS dreamed of a multiplicity of worlds.

# HENRY FORD dreamed of a horseless carriage.

# THOMAS ALVA EDISON dreamed of an inexpensive source of light.

# WRIGHT BROTHERS dreamed of a machine that would fly.

# MARCONI dreamed of using ether for communication.

No invention would have dawned without a particular dreamer.

Now, you can judge whether these dreams were absurd or not.

“To win the big stakes in this changed world, you must catch the spirit of the great pioneers of the past, whose dreams have given to civilization all that it has of value.” — Napoleon Hill

Practical dreamers DO NOT QUIT!!! At first, they do a certain amount of dreaming, hoping, wishing, desiring, and planning before they achieve great success.

Now is your time to give life to your dream. Awake, arise, and assert yourself, you dreamers of the world!!! No dream is small or big. The availability of resources, your background, your connections, your skills, or any of those things you think may matter for you to achieve your dream is never greater than your dream.

An unstoppable dream is a burning desire that can enable you to shine brilliantly as a star. Take a leap of faith in yourself and take baby steps toward letting the world know what a great person you are.



Felcy Raja

Am an aspiring content writer, hoping to give life to words and immerse in them to attain greater joy.. Trying to learn how to write contents.. Do guide..