The Night That Is Not Ending from 5 Years

Diksha Sahare
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2024
Created by Author from Bing AI

It always seems dark when I open my windows, it becomes a never-ending cycle of nights. I have no grudges for nighttime, I love to enjoy my successes and failures of life under a starry sky but I need a balance of days and nights.

You know repetition of things always hurts people to their core, just like the repetitive pattern of night in my life keeps me blind from my next step. Sometimes I get happy to see a yellow light flickering far away but when I go close there, to see it can be the sun but it was the flames of fire of my life that scars never fade away from my soul.

I make a thread of hope with the star in the sky. Every day when I lay in bed I felt relief that my hope would do something in the future. I know stars never lie because they are the symbol of light on their own.

The second way to solve the repetition of the problem is to surrender to the winds of life. Let go of the stagnation thoughts that are full of worries and go with the flow of life. And release millions of questions from your mind.

Like, I always question that, God, why are you repeating the same cycle in my life, I learned the lessons already.

But what if, it is about time and not for lessons?

I think time is the best knower of everything, it knows at what time, what thing they have to serve people.

This repetition of nights teaches me a lot and takes me beyond the comparison of time. And tell me to be in peace wherever you are no matter if it is day or night.

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Diksha Sahare

just getting inspire by little thing/ Write about self improvement