We Are Both On One Planet

Diksha Sahare
Published in
2 min readJun 10, 2024
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Seeing the same sun every morning that wakes both of us. You don’t know me and I don’t know you right now. But sharing all nature's abundance from different shores of the world.

You cross the street, seeing the shore of a lake and mesmerizing the stars, sipping the coffee like I do but in a different place.

When I think about this, it feels warm in my heart that the two human beings are fighting for their own life and going forward to that place where they both will meet. the road was not easy at all where many times different people came and pretended that they were there ‘ The one’.

But crossing all illusions and getting lessons from other aspects of life to not get fooled in the future and pick the soul that vibrates with their frequency.

It doesn’t feel real that we are on the same planet but far away from each other.

But one day will come when we both sharing and doing the same thing at the same timeline.

My mind always searching the clues about your essence and telling me that this can be ‘the one’ but I tell him that I will wait and don’t rush because my soul exactly knows you.

And the truth is- Sometimes I forget about this all but I feel happy when I remind myself about this. I am doing my piece of work on my soul to free all the traumas or low-vibration energy and free myself, and I hope you also doing this.

And that one day will come when we are both freeing our souls from suffering and living a life of light and love.



Diksha Sahare

just getting inspire by little thing/ Write about self improvement