If You Constantly Feed Your Intellect, You’ll Miss “THE” Intelligence

Don’t confuse intelligence for intellect.

Ruchi Thalwal


Photo by v2osk on Unsplash

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I live a hermit life. Not by force. But by choice.

Living on lower Himalayan hills is more than enough for me. I refuse to meet people. I often offend them deliberately so they remain far from me. I often refuse my friends to come and visit me.

But last night was different.

When my friend asked again, I agreed. Excitedly, she came to my door within hours.

We went for a walk on the hills. We laughed at silly things and slept under the stars.

This morning, when I was watering the plants, my friend asked, “What is intelligence? How do you suggest one should live intelligently?”

(Well, what to say? She is a bit of chatter and pokes me to say something on spiritual matters.)

I liked the question.

Many people mistake intellect for intelligence. Once, I was also one of them.

To prove my intelligence, I cracked the toughest competitive exam in the country. I was ranked in the top 10 in the prestigious leading dental…



Ruchi Thalwal

Periodontist turned Spiritual Mentor| Transform your anxious life to joy & higher consciousness. Grab FREE healing audio https://ruchithalwal.ck.page/f05058f288