The Blindfolded Archer

A zen master reveals the key to success to his disciples

Ruchi Thalwal


Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Once a Zen master gathered his disciples in the yard. He asked one of the disciples to blindfold him. The disciple did what the master had asked him.

It was time for archery. It thrilled every disciple to see that the master would teach them something unusual that day.

Photo by Alireza Sahebi on Unsplash

The master aimed and shot the arrow as everyone looked in wonder.

But to everyone’s utter disappointment, the arrow missed the target.

The master uncovered his eyes and turned to face his disciples without even once looking at the target and asked, “So what do you think?”

They were embarrassed. No one knew how to tell the master that he had missed the target.

One of them gathered some courage and said with hesitation, “Master, you missed the target.”

The Zen master replied, “Oh yes, I know that. Why is that shocking and embarrassing for you?”

The disciples looked at each and said, “We thought you were trying to teach us to hit the target without looking.”



Ruchi Thalwal

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