Your Sensitivity Reveals 5 Beautiful Traits of Who You Are

Your sensitivity is your superpower. Not a curse.

Ruchi Thalwal


Photo by Irene Strong on Unsplash

Recently, someone shared, “I’m fed up with my sensitivity. It gives me nothing but pain and sorrow.”

It reminded me of how my heart feels in pain. Sometimes, tears flow through my eyes when others share their journey.

In this world of go-getters, this sensitivity seems like a curse.

When nobody seems to feel anything, we feel everything. Sensitive hearts easily feel overwhelmed by it.

But your sensitivity shows five hidden beautiful secrets of your being.

Intimate connection with life

Imagine your partner or kid sharing their fear. You immediately feel them.


Because you’re connected to them.

Without connection, you can’t feel anything for anyone.

So cheers if you feel the pain of even unknown people. It shows the flowering potential of oneness within you.

Beneath the separate individuals, we all are one.

Life is interconnected. It may seem that people are different from you.



Ruchi Thalwal

Periodontist turned Spiritual Mentor| Transform your anxious life to joy & higher consciousness. Grab FREE healing audio