Stuff Shubhankar Sharma Says in Interviews Vs Stuff He Says To Me

Shubhankar vs Bhai: A roast.

Vandini Sharma
Soul Vanni
2 min readJul 26, 2020


A 4 Question Interview

Interviewer: How do you think you will become your best?

Shubhankar: Golf is a game of patience. That is the most important value I’ve learnt till now. I’m sure with continued practise, playing on different courses around the world and competing with the best— my personal best will soon shine through. It’s a matter of resilience and faith.

Bhai: My best, you say? I’ll show you my best by first, face palming your big fat face. *dodges my fist* Vanni Sharma, let me tell you about the dream I’ve had since I was a little boy. I love Batman, and how he totally goes into an underground recluse, and then he emerges like a phoenix from the ashes. Nobody sees him coming. That’s what I’m going to do. Go underground one day and train, grow my beard out and become the man. Then I’ll just come and win, and people on the golf course are gonna be like ‘Who’s this Shubhankar Sharma?’

Interviewer: Who are your greatest icons?

Shubhankar: I’ve truly idolised Tiger Woods as a child. Also, seeing records of Masters’ greatest players win on the beautiful Augusta course always gives me joy.

Bhai: When I win a Major, I won’t even give a huge speech on the mic, Vanni. What I’ll do, is make everyone hear the words of the ultimate OG: Tupac Shakur himself. Like, damn.

Interviewer: Who are your greatest supporters?

Shubhankar: My parents are my bedrock of support. My coaches, my caddy and my family and friends. I wouldn’t be here without them.

Bhai: Thank you for printing out my flight ticket 15 minutes before I leave the house, Vanni. What would I do without you? Also, have you seen my protein shake anywhere?

Interviewer: What would you like to tell the younger players back home?

Shubhankar: I do my best to talk and help out my juniors whenever I can. Seeing these amazing kids reminds me of the amateur I used to be. I’m sure their future is bright.

Bhai: I think this to myself, Vanni. Life is much more than golf; it is also about how you live it and if you feel happy. I’ve decided something, I’m going to tell you the truth about it. Life won’t be over if I don’t get as far as I dream to, because more importantly, kids have seen me get this far along on my own. They can think to themselves: ‘If Shubhankar can do it, why can’t we?’



Vandini Sharma
Soul Vanni

I write soulful & heartwarming stories that hope to inspire 💖 Awarded & published 🇮🇳 writer: AP, Forbes, New York Times & 50+ publications worldwide. 🖋️