You Loved Me When I Was Lost

A poem dedicated to all parents ❤

Vandini Sharma
Soul Vanni
2 min readJun 14, 2020


By Shotlist on Unsplash

There were times in life when no words could pierce
The cold, heavy shell of emptiness that clothed me completely.
My days blended into a gray sludge
Shadows dotted with specks of light.
Dead habit and procrastination watered down
Growing heavier in the the dim clouds of my mind
And fell as cool droplets of depression.

I’d cycle and escape from home
Taking refuge in sunlit parks and quiet gardens
Loneliness drenched its sore wound
Through my heart but I couldn’t
Bear the thought of company and talking.

You were always there
And waited for me even when no words of yours
Could reach my ears and comfort me.
You held my hand
And pushed and fought with me to change
Telling me it was just a dark storm that would pass.
Those specks of lights in my shadowy days
Existed because of you.

You were angry for me when
I couldn’t summon up the emotion for myself.
You fed me, helped me sleep and kept me warm
You got me through day to day even when
I felt I wasn’t doing much living at all.
You never gave up on me
And showed me that
Family is an untarnished strong bond.

And you were right about time’s healing waves
They washed over me and revealed a new sunrise
I slowly unearthed my confidence and dreams once more
And took faithful, trembling steps
To stand on my own feet again.

Time did it’s thing to make me strong
And as I worked to rebuild my foundations, you cheered me on.
I saw that the ruins that had surrounded me
Weren’t of myself
They were just the ash you clear away after the fire burns
But I was locked inside
Alive and glowing like a gemstone.

I will always remember this truth
That you were there for every breath
That was hard for me to take in those difficult times.
And for that love of yours
Just your being there
I can never express my eternal gratitude enough.



Vandini Sharma
Soul Vanni

I write soulful & heartwarming stories that hope to inspire 💖 Awarded & published 🇮🇳 writer: AP, Forbes, New York Times & 50+ publications worldwide. 🖋️