Soumya Deshpande
Eunoia by Soumya
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2020

He who gives you his favorite food’s last bite,

He who silently looks out for your safety,

He who holds your hand while you cross the road,

He who secretly gives you the chocolate when mom said no,

He who fixes curfew times for you,

And he who helps you sneak out of these curfews.

He who wants nothing more than you to be safe,

He who will never admit to him being in a tough spot,

He who knows how to push your buttons any moment, but chooses not to do so,

He who will fight with you most of the times, but when time comes, would also fight for you.

Don’t you appreciate how they’ll take up any challenge for you if you mean something to them? Or how they look when their cheeks are red from exercise, or even just from blushing.

How they have messy hair when they wake up in the mornings, how they give amazing hugs and how protective they can be. Don’t you appreciate how they’re willing to give up their hoodie because you’re cold.

My personal appreciation is how they feel the need to always be the protector, but even sometimes they need a cuddle, they need to be the little spoon and I love when they’re not afraid to admit it. There are many more reasons to appreciate guys, I just don’t understand why more people don’t see them.

You are amazing, you are wonderful, you are special in your own way.

You are not too fat, you are not too skinny, you are not too short, you are not too tall, you are perfect in every way possible.

You are Knights in shinning armor, you are Gods among your kind, you are the kings of all the land with some of you even being the queens.

But most of all, you are needed, and don’t let anyone ever tell you differently.

This one’s to all the men in our lives who make it so beautiful by simply being a part of it.

Happy International Men’s Day!

