Second Chances & Furry Tails

Soumya Deshpande
Eunoia by Soumya
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2020

By Soumya Deshpande

Our life is full of choices. Some are difficult to make and some easier, but, regardless of that we have always been making the choices and this is an ongoing process. Though, making a choice is important however, it is not just about the choice but the number of considerations which dictate a particular choice are rather important.

We, as human beings, have always been co-sharing this planet with a number of plants, animals, many of which have been domesticated (pets) as part of the evolution. Whether you are already a pet-parent or are planning for being one, then again you are faced with so many considerations. One such pet is referred to as “the true friend”, “most loyal” , the protector”, the alarmist” or simply “A true companion”. Yes, I am referring to the famous pet, the “Dog”. We easily associate with the dog as a pet and if one owns it, the considerations are different and if one is planning for it then the considerations are totally different (what breed to get, whether to go for buying or adopting, climate, size, etc. and so many more such choices).

It’s a great news if you are willing to bring home an addition, but this choice you make will not just affect you and your family, but also the life you are about to welcome in your family. What you decide, sets the course for an innocent creature’s life too. This definitely means, one has to be very careful and wise in making a choice like this. One thing should be cleared before you proceed with bringing home this furry friend, pets are definitely a huge commitment of time, money and energy.

What we often see happening today is, people buying dogs and abandoning on the streets when the slightest problem arises. Moving to a new place? Leave the dog. Leaving the country? Leave the dog. Dog has health issues? Leave the dog. It’s so unfortunate that people are taking to such resorts to “solve” their problem. But is that really a solution? No. So please ensure that you and your family have a proper discussion and are ready to take up this huge responsibility.

The companionship of human beings and dogs goes way back and fortunately, that has not changed. We still seek each other’s companionship and support. There are so many ways in which you can offer your support to these dogs, like fostering, donating and adopting. Adopting a dog is a really noble deed but a lot of thought must go into it before you decide on adopting simply because you don’t want to dishearten the poor guy by leaving him out on the streets again.

There are so many myths revolving around adopting a dog but let me tell you, they are called myths for a reason and they don’t stand true. Some of these are-

Shelter dogs are damaged goods.

This is a very sad misconception that people have about shelter dogs. However, there are some shelter dogs which are there because of some health issue or behavioral issue but this is a minor number. Majority of the dogs in shelters are simply abandoned because their previous owner had to move or was unable to properly care for the dog.

Shelter dogs won’t be obedient or loyal to me.

This argument is absolutely redundant. It doesn’t matter whether it is a shelter dog or the one you bought, with a little love and care, your shelter dog will provide you with unconditional love. And as for the obedience part, a little help with training will get this issue fixed.

I’ll never love the rescue dog as much as I will love the pup I bought and raised.

This misconception will be cleared as soon as you have your first interaction with your shelter dog. If you are a dog lover, then it would be impossible for you to not fall in love with those loving eyes, calling out to you.

As a pet-parent, I would say that having them around is one of the most positive aspects of your life and they will never fail to change your life for the better. There never shall be a dull moment in your house with these fun-loving creatures wagging their tails in every nook and corner of your house, and this I say from experience. You are really missing out in life if you have never experienced the unconditional love a dog has to offer. Now, don’t you believe in second chances? You would be doing a very noble deed by providing these dogs a loving home. Or at least giving them a second chance at life which they very much deserve.

Wish you and your family Happy Adopting!

