Soundiiz Blog update !

Published in
1 min readDec 6, 2018

What is going on here ?

We are finally moving this Medium Blog to Soundiiz directly. You will be able to found all updates/news written here in the Soundiiz Blog.

Why ? An issue with Medium ? 🤔

Medium is very great and powerful blog media and we are keeping lot of Medium style in this new blog. But now, we need add more and more tutorials, music ressources like news/recommendations and many other things to Soundiiz.

And that’s why we are moving this blog part directly on the Soundiiz website, to reach all our users and also be more tailored to our needs for the future.

Ok, where do I go now to get last Soundiiz news ?

You can take a look at our new Soundiiz Blog page. We are currently working on it and lot of improvements and contents will coming soon ! 😃




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