Top User Stories from the Soundwave App

Leanne Fitzgerald
Soundwave Stories
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2015
Soundwave Music Discovery app home to millions of users worldwide

When we built the Soundwave app, we wanted to connect people with their friends through music. Now home to millions of users across the globe sharing new music everyday, we asked our community what were some of their favourite moments from the Soundwave app.
The response we received was huge!

Little did we know that the app is so many different things to so many people all over the world. From making new friends, finding love and discovering new music, it looks like our humble app really has made the difference in some of our users lives..

Here are some our favourite user stories from Soundwave.

Soundwave is connecting people…

Half the fun of using Soundwave is meeting people I don't already know and get introduced to new music and be able to share with them. — Matthieu

With Soundwave, there is an opportunity for great music to be discovered and shared globally!/ Big thanks to all my friends on Soundwave for sharing your huge knowledge of incredible music with me! — Chris

I have made a friend on Soundwave far away from here in Belarus. I have got to say “Thank You, Soundwave” because the person I’m talking about is just awesome and sometimes - makes my day even though I’ve never met her. — Ermir

Soundwave is there during the good times and the bad

My friend was having a really bad moment in her personal life and though I couldn’t be with her to comfort her, I sent over a song by Panama called "It’s not over" on Soundwave. That really hit home with her and she was comforted through music and well... through your app. I guess that’s the power of music! — Abhinav

I’ve made two great friends on soundwave and there is no better way to make friends than through music. — Laura

I've been struggling with anxiety for a long time now and Soundwave has really helped me with discovering new music and finding people who are just as passionate about music. — Riddhi

Soundwave is a great way to discover new music…

Discover a world of music with Soundwave

When you befriend someone who is on same wavelength and you explore their music it is incredible the amount of tunes you do not know and end up loving. This is the beauty of Soundwave. — Jonathan

I've found so many new songs and artists using Soundwave that I never would have found without the app from the groups feature, the timeline, and other people's profiles. People do a much better job at listening to music and making suggestions than a computer, so I find this invaluable. — Lars

I have discovered so many new artists and songs using this app - it’s crazy! There is actually one random user I follow very closely because everything he listens to - I end up loving. I’m sure he thinks I’m stalking him, but I don’t care because my music library is growing and getting better! — Cory

Soundwave is a place to have fun…

My girlfriend (huge heavy metal fan!) listened to a One Direction song as guilty pleasure, and I saw it on her Soundwave profile - I still tease her about it today! — Thomas

In one of the music chats I was in on Soundwave, two of us shared the same song at the same time. I wanted to shout "Jinx!" — Alec

In my circle of friends, I get to pretend that I've found all this cool new music that other people have shared with me on Soundwave. — Jason

I learned that I am not the only one that listens to one hit wonders at 3AM! — Christian

Huge thank you to everyone who shared their stories with us from Soundwave — We can’t wait to see what stories will roll in for 2016 with hopefully even more new friendships, more music and more fun on the app!

Keep in touch with us on Twitter and Facebook for feel good moments along with some really great music.

Leanne Fitzgerald

Community Manager Soundwave



Leanne Fitzgerald
Soundwave Stories

Community and Digital Coordinator at Soundwave! Email to get in touch. ☺