Magical ABC Soup

Jazlyn Escobedo
Soup Stories
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2022

We’ve all heard that having soup while your sick can help you feel better. Growing up, whenever i was sick my mom would make me her famous ABC soup or “soupita” as she called it, to help me feel better.

My mom would make soup for all types of occasions. Every year for Christmas she would make some Pozole, a famous Mexican soup that has hominy and meat and would be topped off with cabbage, cilantro, onions, radishes and limes. On rainy days, she would make albondigas, a Mexican meatball soup with rice and carrots. When my brothers of I would get sick, my mom would make us abc soup.

Her abc soup is her own version of a chicken noodle soup. There was pieces of chicken, carrots, chicken soup seasoning and abc pasta. I never knew why my mom chose abc pasta instead of noodles in the soup. It maybe because it allowed me to play with my food and make world on my spoon with the letters. When it was too hot, I would add a few ice cubes to cool the soup off. I would also add some mayonnaise into the soup to make it more flavorful.

There would be times when I would be so sick, I could hold any of my food down. My mom would still tell me that I had to have some soup since it had the magic I needed to feel better. Most of the time, the soup would help me feel better. It was almost magic.

Most recently, I had a bad cold and my mom offered to make me her abc soup to cheer me up and make me feel better. It’s been a few years since I has some abc soup. The smell and taste brought me back to my childhood and how much my mom has been there for me whenever I saw sick or when I just wasn’t having the best day. She puts so much love and care into her cooking, I guess you can say that was the magic inside the abc soup.

I hope that in the future, If I decide to have kids, I would be able to care for them the way my mom did. I want to make them abc soup when they are sick and tell them that it’s magical like my mom told me. I know that my mom will be there and offer to make the soup herself for her grandchildren and love and care for them as they grow up.

