My Favorite Soup Is…

Kara Brown
Soup Stories
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2017

Top Ramen is my favorite soup and it has been for quite some time now. My mom introduced this fine delicacy when I was just five years old. Back then I didn’t know that in my 20’s I would still be considering this dish as a five star meal at Casa de College, aka my one bedroom apartment. It’s something about this liquid food that brings back old childhood memories. Back when I didn’t have to pay for bills, work, or even cook the damn thing for myself.

What I love most about this meal is that you can really do anything with it. If you are out on a nice sushi date with a loved one you can order a bowl of spicy ramen or if you are barely making ends meet you can take a trip to Wal-Mart and buy a 12-pack for $4.98. It’s really a soup designed for both the poor and the rich. If you’re feeling a little fancy you can even plop an egg into it, that’s what Kylie Jenner does. She was even kind enough to share such an extravagancy with the middle class in a recipe delivered via Snapchat.

courtesy: DearlinksiDeas via flickr

No matter how many times you eat this crackly dried up ‘soup’ made from powder, it always brings you back to the first time that slimy noodle hit your taste buds. This soup is really made to tend to your every needs. You feel like chicken? They have a flavor for that. Oh you want beef instead? No worries they’ve got you covered there too. A lot of restuarunts both near and far have tried to outshine that little orange squared package, but there’s just nothing quite like the original.

courtesy: desertnut via flickr

I often wonder how this company even came about. Did they know that they were going to play such a vital role in people’s lives both young and old? I’m honestly surprised that they haven’y uped their prices throughout the years from their success. But I’m not complaining. However, I do hope that no one even tries to argue against my claim and says that Cup O’Noodles is better because that stuff is trash, and if you do try, then all I have to say is… I’m sorry that your childhood was so bad and your mother didn’t love you enough to introduce you top ramen.

