Simple but deep

Ziluo Qiu
Soup Stories
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2017
From Pixabay by Devanath and OpenClipart-Vectors

My favorite soup is tomato egg soup. It is the Chinese style soup and it is very popular in China. The tomato egg soup is a common daily soup for Chinese family. I believe there are many people make it as the daily soup menu in China.

The method for making it is very simple. The main materials for this menu are tomato and egg; just like its name. Besides that, we also need some oil and salt; and that is all for what we need to do a simple home style tomato egg soup.

We should do some preparation before cooking the tomato egg soup. First, we take out two eggs; for the quantity of egg, it depends on how many people are sharing the soup. Next, we add some oil and salt into the egg after break them and mix them well. Then we can start preparing the tomatoes. Slice every tomato into six pieces after wash them. We can begin to boil the water while we are preparing the tomatoes. Using medium fire to cook after the water is boiling and cook the tomatoes. We can see the color of water turns into slight red after a while; continue to cook for five to ten more minutes after that. We turn the fire to high and add the egg in it when the tomatoes become soft. Slightly stir the egg and we can turn off the fire when we see it floats on the top. Finally, the delicious tomato egg soup is done!

By Ziluo Qiu

The tomato egg soup is my favorite soup is not only because it is simple but also it is the memory of my childhood and country. Although it is a common soup menu for Chinese family, each family may have its own way to do it. It contains the characteristic of every family. I have heard that some people add cucumber into the soup which may add some fresh flavor in it. In addition, some people may add pork into the soup if they want some meat flavor for it. It is a freestyle soup. My mother likes to add some oil in the egg because it will make the egg softer. I like it very much.

The tomato egg soup can often be seen in Chinese restaurant. However, my mother’s tomato egg soup is the most delicious tomato egg soup in the world. It has been about five years since I go abroad for study. The tomato egg soup is seldom being seen in the United States. Therefore, I will cook it When I miss my hometown. The flavor of it always calls up my memory of family. The tomato egg soup is not only a bowl of soup; it represents my culture and family. It has deep meaning to me. Although there are many delicious soup and food in the United States, there is nothing can replace the tomato egg soup. What the tomato egg soup brings to me is not only the good taste but also a spirit. It helps me when I am homesick; it makes me feel like my parents are beside by me. I feel warm because of tomato egg soup. This is why the tomato egg soup is my favorite soup and it will always be my favorite soup.

