Alyssa Hesketh
2 min readMar 3, 2017


When I think of soup, I think of the potato soup my grandmother used to make when I was growing up. I always thought it was the best potato soup in the whole world — I was a little biased, yes, but I still think it is the best soup because of who always made it. Now, I have not had a lot of potato soup in my life, but I can honestly say that in my 21 years on this planet, my grandmother’s has been the best. Maybe she makes it with extra potatoes, or maybe she adds a little extra love, but it is wonderful, just like her.

When I think of soup, I also think of clam chowder soup. Not just any clam chowder soup, though, but clam chowder soup served in a bread bowl in San Francisco, right by the ocean. When you get clam chowder soup in a city near the ocean, you know it will be better. San Francisco holds so many memories for me, as it is a place I always visit with my family. We go there once a year, and always see the same sights and do the same things, but it gets better and better each time. That city contains so much love and excitement, and tourism, yes, but it is nothing shy of amazing every single time I go. Now that I no longer live at home, and have school and work and more responsibilities that I did a few years ago, I do not get to visit San Francisco as often as I would like. Clam chowder soup, though, served with or without a bread bowl, can always bring me back to those happy times.

To me, soup is love. Soup gives me that warm feeling on the inside because it takes me back to so many good times and reminds me of some of my favorite people and best times in my life. I would give anything for some soup right now.



Alyssa Hesketh

21 years old. Journalist. @cronkitenews digital reporter.