Stocked With Soup

Autumn Rostowsky
Soup Stories
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2019

My favorite soup is my grandma’s split pea soup. For as long as I can remember my grandma, mama as we call her, has been making homemade soup and sending us home with Tupperware full of it. Don’t even dare to mention in front of her that you are hungry or she will send you home with so much soup you won’t even know what to do with it. I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have a Tupperware full of her soup in my freezer. Throughout college, no matter how little groceries I had, at least I could count on some split pea soup being there.

Most people are scared of split pea soup because it really does not look that appetizing. As a kid I was always afraid to try it when she would make it, then one day my mom forced me and I’m glad she did because I was so wrong. It is actually delicious! I think it is the weird green color that throws people off.

Photo by Thomas Dwyer

Split pea soup is easy to make and full of good ingredients. Of course, there is the main ingredient, split peas, then there’s ham, salt and pepper, carrots, celery and potatoes. It is pretty simple actually. I wouldn’t think to put these ingredients together, but when you do it makes for a pretty tasty combo. I like to eat it with crushed up saltines on top to add a little more flavor. The best way to enjoy it is when it is super cold out, on the couch, watching a good movie with my family.

There’s never a bad time for this soup, whether you’re feeling ill, the weather is too cold to bare or you’re having a bad day, it’ll be sure to cure you, at least I think so.

When I think of mama’s split pea soup I think of family. My crazy, big, loud, family here in Arizona. 11 cousins, 8 aunts and uncles, and a whole lot of laughter and love.

I’m not sure when the tradition of split pea soup began in our family, but it’s a tradition I hope never goes away. What else am I supposed to eat?

