The Soup of All Soups

Anthony Troggio
Soup Stories
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2017
Where it all started.

The year was 1996, the place, Coco’s fine diner in Scottsdale. The result: a love of all things cheese and broccoli. But I’m getting a little ahead of myself here, let me expound a bit.

My two brothers and I would spend every summer out here in Arizona visiting our grandparents. I remember, at the time, dreading coming out to the desert to spend the summer. I do not know if it was the 100 degree temps or the idea that I could be burned but a seatbelt that turned me off on Arizona, probably both. But once I touched down in Arizona my attitude would quickly change.

Being with family overpowered my distain for the scorching Arizona heat. All of our extended family lived out here in Arizona so it kind of turned into a second home for us, and many year later it would turn into my actual home. I’d like to think that these summer trips are the spark that lead me back here, and eventually lead me to ASU. BACK TO THE SOUP!

There were a few staples of this trip, some “must do’s”, one of those was walking across the street to visit my grandmothers favorite diner, Coco’s. I’ve since learned Coco’s is chain and is actually borderline inedible and far from local staple, yet the memories remain fond for this is the establishment that introduced me to a soup that would, to this day, remain my favorite. But enough about me, and my cheesy life experiences, let’s talk about the important thing, soup.

There she is!

If we are talking soup then I have no choice but to discuss the most amazingly delicious soup in all the land, the soup of all soups, broccoli and cheese! Ordinarily I would not pick a dish with no meat to be my favorite in any category. Yet when it comes to soup I couldn’t think of another I’d rather have. But I’m not talking about any old B&C, I’m talking about some quality, homemade broccoli a nd cheese soup.

There are several ingredients that make up a top-notch B&C but let’s be real, only one can make or break you. I’m talking cheese people, nice quality cheddar, preferable obtained from those cheese heads in Wisconsin, or from those happy cows in California. Now once you’ve gone to great lengthens to procure your cheeses, you can head to your local grocers to pick up the rest of your ingredients.

Now after you have carefully married and simmered you ingredients to cheesy perfection there is one more absolute must, crackers. One must use those tiny little oyster crackers to garnish your soup, absolutely no other cracker will do. Congratulations, you’ve done it. Sit back, relax and enjoy.

This simple soup will forever remind me of the people and places that I love and for that reason I love this soup. I think there is nothing left to do but grab a bowl of broccoli and cheese soup and reminisce on the days of old…

