AI Fixer Sessions in Sofia

Salim Virani
Source Institute
Published in
2 min readMay 22, 2017

tl’dr If you want to amp up your practical AI skills, join us for Fixer Sessions in Sofia

“If someone has a fantastic biology background, he or she can contribute in AI and health care. AI has many aspects. AI is everywhere. It’s not that big, scary thing in the future. AI is here with us.” — Fei-Fei Li, pioneer of computer vision

After facilitating Sofia AI and our unconference Source Summit AI, we’ve been experimenting with ways to help Sofians with an interest in AI to fast-track by learning from those with a bit more experience.

So, we’re going to try Fixer Sessions, a learning format we’ve used in other fast-changing environments. Fixer Sessions are prepared, 3-hour mini-hack-a-thons that:

  • Keep focused on the practical learning, exposing different approaches, tools and workflows. You learn by seeing someone in action, or working with someone else who can show you new ways.
  • Build out capacity in a community fast, which we think will help build Sofia’s AI industry to world-class quickly. That benefits everyone.
  • Expands our horizons: we spot better opportunities for AI, and we become more empowered to use AI ourselves.

“Maybe somebody else can come up with a better approach or a better outcome.“ — Elon Musk

We’ll run Fixer Sessions in small groups, once a week at Betahaus Sofia.

If you have an idea that involves AI and want some help, you can suggest it as a challenge.

If you have some experience yourself, and want to learn from others with similar levels or more experience, you can register as a Fixer. (btw this is the best way to accelerate your learning.)

If you generally want to learn practical stuff by watching people work on a real challenge, then just sign up!



Salim Virani
Source Institute

If you could pick anyone in the world as your teacher, what would you learn? That’s the world we’re creating at Source Institute.