Announcing SourceClear x Atlassian JIRA Cloud Integration

Lin Ling
Published in
3 min readJul 27, 2017

At SourceClear we believe that software security should be integrated into the application development workflow and that it shouldn’t be a hindrance to developers. We are committed to making it easier for security teams to collaborate with developers and we are pleased to announce the new Atlassian JIRA Cloud integration.

This integration allows security teams to create auto-filled JIRA issues directly from SourceClear, making it easy to work with developers to resolve security issues. The issue is then linked to a JIRA ticket so that developers can easily refer to the full details of the security issue.

How the JIRA Cloud Integration works

The JIRA Cloud Integration works by setting up an OAuth connection to your organization’s JIRA. Once this has been set up and authorized, you can configure ticket templates to easily create tickets later. Templates allow tickets to be created in repeatable ways and enable you to enforce fields such as where the ticket is created, who the ticket is assigned to, and what the priority is, among others. An example template is below.

Once the template has been created, users will now have access to create a ticket from a SourceClear issue. You’ll be presented with a set of actions for an issue.

The JIRA Cloud option will let you select a template and then create a JIRA ticket with that template.

Once you click ‘Create’, a ticket will automatically be created in JIRA with the supplied information. This ticket will be linked to the SourceClear issue so multiple issues are not created.

And the linked issue looks like this:

For full documentation on the new JIRA integration view the documentation page here.

Didn’t SourceClear already support JIRA?

Yes; however, we encourage all JIRA Cloud users to migrate to the new integration due to its added functionality. If you have an on-premise JIRA installation or would like to stay with the current functionality a little longer, you can access the previous integration by selecting “JIRA Enterprise” as shown below.

Looking towards the future

This new feature is another step toward seamlessly integrating application security into your application development workflow. Give it a go by logging in here or signing up here and please let us know what you think!



Lin Ling

Growth aficionado @SourceClear— revolutionizing software security. B2B SaaS is where I live. Has a Napoleon Complex, has an M1, lover of data and dogs.