Au revoir Docker, Hello source{d}

Victor Coisne
Published in
3 min readJun 20, 2018

From DotCloud to Docker

Back in June 2013, following the advice of one of my classmate at UC Berkeley ( 👋 Roberto Hashioka) I decided to apply for a role at DotCloud, a Platform-as-a-Service company created by Solomon Hykes. Being new to the SF Bay area, I showed up completely overdressed for my interview with Julien Barbier and quick realized that not only was the team mostly composed of awesome French people but also in the middle of a major pivot to a newly open source project called Docker. To be honest, I had no idea what Docker really was about at that point but I immediately loved the energy coming out of that team and jungle office. A couple weeks later, I officially joined the Docker team and could not have been happier to be working with the one and only Julien Barbier as we focused on helping the Docker community grow and hired the first members of the Marketing team aka 💥 #boomteam.

My first happy hour with the Docker Team.

Community is all about meaningful relationship

From launching the Docker Weekly newsletter to writing Docker labs and organizing the first Docker meetups, DockerCons, worldwide Birthday celebrations with the help of awesome Docker Captains and Community Leaders, I have learned so much and met amazing new people almost every day.

#Dockersefie with Docker Captains

Looking back at everything we’ve accomplished as a team and community, I feel very proud of grateful about this amazing experience. My managers, coworkers and Docker community members have been awesome to work with and incredibly supportive all along. So for that I would like to extend a big THANKS to all of you for all the amazing memories over the last 6 years. I will miss all of you dearly but do hope to stay in touch and plan to stay involved with the Docker community.

Hello source{d}

I have decided to leave Docker to embark on a new adventure as Head of Developer Community at source{d}, the platform for Machine Learning on Code (#MLonCode) / GitHub: /

Key components of the Source{d} stack

What brought me to source{d} is exactly what brought me to Docker 6 years ago: an awesome team of passionate people!

The Leadership team at Source{d}

I’m incredibly excited about working closely with the source{d} team and in particular Francesc Campoy who I have been following closely for his contributions to the Go community. Check out his blog post below to learn more about the open-source components we’re building to enable large-scale code analysis and MLonCode.

Learn More about source{d} and stay in touch with me!

If you’re interested in this topic, please feel free to join the source{d} community slack channel, follow us on twitter, or reach out at



Victor Coisne

VP of Marketing at @strapijs. French. Open Source Community builder, Wine lover. Soccer Fan.