CHAOSScon and Git Merge Europe 2019: a recap

Victor Coisne
Published in
2 min readFeb 15, 2019

As the source{d} team was planning its annual trip to FOSDEM, we realized that there were two interesting conferences taking place the day before: CHAOSScon and Git Merge Europe. No hesitation, we arrange our trips to arrive early and attended both events.

CHAOSScon Europe 2019

Francesc Campoy, Maartje Eyskens and I decided to attend the excellent CHAOSScon organized by our friends at Bitergia and the broader CHAOSS community. Check out this twitter thread below to see pictures of all the speakers and the topics they covered.

Git Merge 2019

The rest of the team decided to attend GitMerge. Check out this twitter thread below to see all the speaker and the topic they covered.

Our one and only Javi Fontan gave the closing lightning talk, presenting Gitbase, source{d}’s SQL interface on top of Git (plus neat features as language detection, lang-agnostic ASTs, XPath filtering) and part of the source{d} Engine. Check out his slide deck below.

Javi Fontan at Git Merge 2019

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Victor Coisne

VP of Marketing at @strapijs. French. Open Source Community builder, Wine lover. Soccer Fan.