Come talk to us at the following events!

Victor Coisne
Published in
3 min readNov 9, 2018

One of our favorite activities at source{d} is engaging with our users. We invite you to reach out if you are attending one of these events and want to chat with us about Code As Data, Machine Learning on Code or Open Source!

Paris Machine Learning Meetup

Wednesday, November 14th • 7pm

Our CEO Eiso Kant will show how different machine learning techniques can be used to learn from source code and provide developers with novel insights into their code.

Scale by the Bay

Thursday, November 15 • 3:50pm

Francesc Campoy will be talking about Machine Learning on Source Code at Scale by the Bay!

source{d} Paper Reading Club [Online]

Friday, November 16th • 10 am PT

For this special edition of the reading club, we are very lucky to be joined by one of the paper authors, Earl Barr who will talk about Deep Learning for Programming Language Type Inference.

DevFest Krasnodar

Saturday, November 17

Vadim Markovtsev will be taking about Tensorflow.js

GOTO Copenhagen 2018

Wednesday, November 21 • 3:20pm

Francesc Campoy and Hugo Mougard will be talking about Machine Learning on Source Code at GOTO Copenhagen.

source{d} Online Meetup [Online]

Wednesday, November 28, 2018 • 10:00 AM PT

Michael Fromberger will be talking about the Road to Semantic Indexing with Kythe.

Machine Learning Conference Berlin

Wednesday, December 5th • 5:15pm

Egor Bulychev will be talking about Machine Learning on Source Code at the ML Conference in Berlin.

DevFest Lisbon

Saturday, December 8th

Vadim Markovtsev will be taking about Tensorflow.js

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2018

December 10–12, 2018

Francesc Campoy and I will be at KubeCon in Seattle to meet with members of the Kubernetes & CNCF community. Don’t hesitate to reach out at if you’d like to meet with us!

Stay informed about upcoming source{d} events and learning resources by signing up for source{d} bi-weekly newsletter or following us on Twitter.



Victor Coisne

VP of Marketing at @strapijs. French. Open Source Community builder, Wine lover. Soccer Fan.