Submit talks to our FOSDEM 2019 Devrooms !

Victor Coisne
Published in
2 min readNov 5, 2018

For the second year in a row, source{d} is organizing two FOSDEM Devrooms!

Go devroom — FOSDEM 2018

Go Devroom

Maartje Eyskens and Francesc Campoy are organizing the fourth edition of the Go Devroom. Check out the following blog post for more information about CfP and how to get involved.

In case you missed it, this YouTube playlist includes all the video recordings from last year’s Go Devroom talks.

Machine Learning on Code Devroom

After the success of the source code analysis Devroom last year, our very own Alex Bezzubov and Francesc Campoy are organizing a Machine Learning on Code devroom. You can find more information about CfP submission and important dates in the following blog post.

You can also find the video recordings of the source code analysis devroom in this YouTube playlist.

Can’t attend FOSDEM 2019 ? Sign up for our bi-weekly newsletter to receive links to the video recordings once available.



Victor Coisne

VP of Marketing at @strapijs. French. Open Source Community builder, Wine lover. Soccer Fan.